UN rights abuses Ida has suffered

January 28, 2015

Events inconsistent with Ida Johansson’s rights – recorded by Simal Saujani who recently visited Gäddede from Toronto, Canada.

These events have been described to me by Ida Johansson’s son, Calle Johansson. There is some form of documentation, whether personal notes, emails, etc. to confirm these details. These notes cover as much information as we could document since the time that the abuse began, as well as a few key events from my own observations from the week I recently spent in Gäddede in early January 2015.

There are six basic principles contributing to her extreme and horrible circumstance:

  1. A) Loss of personal freedom (choice/movement) (article no. 1, 3, 9, 13)

  2. B) Cruel treatment (article no. 5)

  3. C) Loss of right to self determination (article no. 6, 7)

  4. D) Unfair trial (article no. 8, 10)

  5. E) Freedom of expression, opinion, association (article no. 19, 20)

  6. F) Unprovided medical/social care (article no. 21.2, 22, 25)


LG = Levinsgården (nursing home where mom is forced to stay)


  1. Preliminary

Date: June 29, 2012

People: dad, mom, ambulance

  • Stroke in car at cabin

  • Circumstances unclear

  • Dad claims she’s in the car, did not call for an ambulance

  • Drove her to Gäddede

  • An ambulance took her to Östersund

  • Dad did not go with her, even though mom was unresponsive.

  • Arrive Friday night, Saturday night Ida is placed in stroke ICU

  1. Preliminary / B (article 5 -kept in dark room)

Date: July 1, 2012

Place: ICU in Östersund


  • Physical therapy in morning

  • Sister arrives Sunday morning

During that first week:

  • Sister says, not allowed to see mom, claims mom will not survive

  • Brother and wife say farewell to mom

  • Sister claims mom is blind

  • Sister gets mom her own room, makes it pitch dark at night (note: mom is afraid of the dark)

  • Stands by her bed and says mom will never get well.

  • Sister tells dad, mom will not get well.

  • Sister, sitting by mom, talks to dad about how useless the church is
    knowing it will hurt mom to hear this.

  1. Preliminary and A (article 9, 13 -mom has said before stroke - and says now - prefers not to be at LG)

Date: first week after stroke (mon 2, july (maybe Tuesday))

Place: TV room, ICU at Östersund

People: Calle, sister calls Margot Swanström

  • Tells her mom will go to LG, the place she has always feared the most, as if there were no other option.

  1. Preliminary and A,B (article 5, 9 – left alone, locked in a room)

Date: July 27

Place: LG

  • Mom transported to LG

  • Yoshiko is present, a loving close person to mom.

Yoshiko witnesses the following:

  • Mom is alone in a room crying, feeling lonely

  • Sister had been there until previous day

  • Mom not allowed to leave room the whole time

  • Only on Monday was she allowed to leave the room

  • Daily physical therapy stopped at LG

  • She did get weekly 1/2 hour therapy from Elizabeth Turesson

  1. B (article 5 – wrong, painful and potentially lethal medication given)

Date: July 28

Place: LG

  • Mom has severe gas pain

  • Left unaided in extreme pain

  • The cause of the gas is the incorrect medication, as determined in August

  • Only when her son Calle massaged her stomach was she able to release the painful gas which continued to be released for a very extended period of time

  • She couldn’t move herself but she needed to be moved to get the gas out

  • Extremely painful

  • This continues daily (hourly) for weeks

  • Worse at night when she lay in bed unable to move

  • Calle spent a few nights with her

  • Calle turned her and massaged her

  • Massages lasted 45+ min, until severe pain stops

  • Then a few hours later, gas pain comes back

  • This went on for very long time, maybe ten weeks

Aug 4-5 (Anneli Andersson)

Friend of Calle works in health care came weekend after

  • She realizes it’s not food, not lack of physical activity

  • Realized it’s a med that produces a gas which is LIFE THREATENING when you can’t move and in fact should not be given to non physically active people

  • MED: lactulose ***

  • Side effect of producing gasses, life threatening

  • Note – old people (on a plane) should avoid gaseous foods because it can go to your heart, which is generally understood in medical circles

  1. B (article 5 – wrong, painful, potentially lethal medication)

Date – ? several times, probably Aug 5 or 6

Barbro (manager of LG and chief medical nurse)

  • We ask Barbro about the gas issue

  • Barbro refuses to change that medication

  • Anneli Andersson (friend of Calle) confirmed in Stockholm and Calle asked stroke unit in Norrtälje

  • They both advise stop this medication immediately

  • Anneli Andersson wrote an email to Barbro asking her to stop

  • Email record is available upon request

  1. A, F (article 1, 3, 21.2 – denied medical treatment and intimidation)

Date: Thursday August 2, 2012

Place: Entrance couch (to your left as you come in) of LG

  • Sister calls Maria Strängby at LG

  • Maria talks to Calle and says Calle must immediatly stop requesting rehab for mom because, it will kill your mom and your dad
    she claims

  • Four people (sister, brother, mom’s sister, dad) called her and requested her to ensure that mom gets no rehab because mom and dad are weak

  • Calle disputes this on obvious grounds (dad goes hunting regularly and is not “weak” as claimed)

  • Maria argues that this rehab will kill mom

  • She claims the rehab in Remonthagen will leave her in a corridor unattended because she will not have any priority.

  • Claims that they will not take her to the bathroom, even worse than how they don’t here at LG.

  1. Informational (see 9)

Date: July 16, 2012

  • Calle goes to a convention in Herräng and speaks with 5 different doctors; people with family stroke experience

  • All are confused that someone needing so much care would be in a nursing home

  • Calle calls the at Östersund ICU daily, never receives a return call (Mon, Tues, Thur, Fri, Mon…)

  • Calle calls patient nämnden (doctor complaint board)

  • Finally doctor calls back the same day (see below, 9)

  1. B, F (article 5, 21.2 unprovided referal for rehabilitaion treatment)

Place: phonecall

People: Calle, Doc Kicki Allebjer

Date: July 25, 2012

  • Doctor says mom would benefit from rehab

  • Calle asks why she wasn’t sent to rehab

  • Doctor explains that after ICU, she wanted to send mom to rehab, she had no real answer, but she mentioned that she’s old and we don’t know how long she will live.

  • Calle demands to know if she would benefit from rehab, why she wasn’t sent.

  • The doctor suggests that the doctor in Gäddede can write a referral.

  1. Informational

Friday July 27

Place: phone call

  • Calle calls stroke association, they were helpful

  • They said it was unheard of to send a stroke patient who needs close care to an elderly home

  • They referred Calle to local stroke assoic here in Östersund

  • National contact in Stockholm – Daniella (last name in records)

  • Chairman of local stroke assoc in local district is Greta Toreskogbackman

  • Calle calls her July 27, Greta is extremely helpful, tells Calle, it would not be hard to get mom to rehab.

  • Greta has extensive exp. in this district there are 300 strokes / year.

  • She calls back Saturday, one day later

  • There are 3 options:

  1. a) Remonthagen (free, best)

  2. b) Reacting AB (private, she recommends)

  3. c) private in Strömsund (but she had no pesonal exp with this place)

  • Just talk to the doc, all he need do is write a referral

  1. B, F (article 5, 21.2 – medical care denied

Date: July 30

Place: At dad’s house

  • Calle has seen local doc (Dr. Mats Ullén)

  • He calls back at dinner time on Monday at Calle’s father’s house

  • Says he knows mom really well, he’s surprised she was not sent directly to a rehab place. It’s well know this need is immediate, every hour counts. He says he will immediately write a referral tonight.

  • Note: dad and sister had previously claimed the referral was imossible to get, that they had tried.

  • This is Calle’s first contact with this doctor.

  • Calle asks his dad, are you going to stop this referral.

  • Dad says no.

  • Later Monday night, dad and sister speak on phone.

  • Tuesday morning 8am, dad drives to the doc and tells him to cancel the referral (calle learns this next day, see below)

10am Tuesday July 31

Place: LG

Meeting: bistoåndshandläggaren, Barbro Blom, mom, Calle, dad +other staff

  • It is decided LG is mom’s permanent home

  • Mom is there but falls asleep, can’t wake her up even afterwards

  • Same Tuesday, PT Elisabet from Strömsund (i.e. Elisabeth Turesson) shows up. Mom is unwakeable.

  • Finally when they wake here, she’s devastated and cries and cries.

  • Mom eats no lunch. She is devastated.

  • After lunch Elisabet comes back, wakes mom up and all mom can do is cry.

  • Calle asks mom if she wants rehab. She stops crying. She wakes up and gets attentive. Calle tells her he’s got a referral and she perks up .

3pm same day

  • Doc says, dad is closer to mom and should decide. Calle says the needs of the patient should decide. Doc gets angry and refuses to talk.

  • Calle speaks with Dr. Mats Ullén who says dad was here this morning and he told him that mom shall not have rehab.

  • Later on Tuesday Calle calls chairman of stroke association Greta.

  • Greta is shocked. Never heard of any situation when family denies help. Ususally it’s the opposite, they want more.

  • Suggests Calle calls Remonthagen,

  • Calle speaks with Barbro Bengtsson at Remonthagen (councillor)

  • If the doc wrote the referral, maybe it’s in the system.

  • Calle goes back to mom, dad is there and mom is very distant.

  • Calle asks dad to stay and Calle tells mom that dad talked to the doc and got him to cancel the referral. Calle asks dad why? dad says, “you do what you want, and I do what I want.“

  1. Informational

Date: Wed Aug 1

Place: Just outside LG

Barbro and chief doc at Remonthagen closed care (Jan-Anders Rehnström)

  • They call Calle and ask for the referral. they said they have not received the referral but mom is welcome as soon as the referral arrives. Dad was present

  1. A, B, F (article 5, 13 – leave mom in pain, alone / refuse Calle visiting rights / refuse „second stroke“ medical assistance)

Date: Thursday August 2, 11pm

  • After Maria tells Calle rehab will kill mom and dad, she will be left in the corridor, etc.

  • Calle tells mom in in the evening, Calle explains he’s gone for a jog.
    On returning to LG, Maria has locked the main entrance door and Calle cannot enter the building

  • Calle was locked out and they refused to open the door

  • Calle stayed there for over an hour

  • Mom lay there with extreme gas pain

  • Calle leaves and returns in the morning. Mom looked more dead than alive.

  • Calle apologizes.

  • Calle is locked out the next night as well.

  • Next morning mom looks like a ghost.

  • Maria calls 8:30 in the morning, she calls dad, Calle is with his father

  • Next night, Maria calls dad and claims that mom had another stroke in the night. (Calle still locked out)

  • Nevertheless they refuse to take her to Östersund in an ambulance.

  • Mom is unresponsive. Allows 9am visit.

  • Dad and Calle arrive at 9am.

  • As soon as mom hears Calle and dad’s voices, she wakes up. When Maria sees that, she’s very surprised, but she maintains that mom had a stroke.

It turns out:

Mats made the diagnosis at 7am

  • Maria and Dr. Mats Ullén accuse Calle for cause of second stroke. That Calle had been taking her for walks in a wheelchair, and this caused the stroke. i.e. the daily wheelchair outing casued a stroke in the night???

  • Mom wakes up but looks terrible with the same extreme stomach gas pain. It takes a long time to get them out.

  • For the following two weeks, mom is not allowed out of her room.

  • They close the windows and blinds down even though sunny outside. (like the beginning when sister was around)

  • During these two weeks Calle’s not allowed in at night.

  • Mom is still suffering the gasseous medicine.

  1. Informational

Date: 11 August

Place LG

People: Elliott and Linda arrive.

They see mom is uncared for.

  1. A, B, F (article 1, 3, 5, 21.2 – refuse calle from doing exercises with mom)

Date: Aug 10 (approx)

Place: LG

  • Calle gets stroke exercises from Herräng friends who are physiotherapists

  • Also from Greta, stroke assoc chirman.

  • Calle tells LG docs and nurses he wants to do these exercises with mom and Calle is told he is not allowed to do these exercises with her.

  • Example: pulling herself up out of the wheel chair.

  • Reason why Calle was forbidden was not given.

  • Sister via Maria the nurse and enforced by the staff.

  • Then not allowed to film mom to show other docs, which would be normal to show her capabilities to determine what rehab she should get.

  1. A, E (article 1,3, 19 – Calle threatened)

Date Sept 8, 2012

Place: LG

Time: 2 pm

  • Calle called at 1:35 by Barbro

  • Meeting: Calle, Anders Andersson (district rep, appointed by elected committee), dad, brohter, sister, Barbro (bad), Ulla (a nurse at LG), Maria (nurse at LG),

  • Calle is told not to discuss mom’s care with anyone and threatened not to be allowed to see mom if he does. If Calle talks to anyone outside the present group, it will hurt mom and it will hurt Calle.

  • Specifically they mention the dance festival which is schedule to take place in Gäddede one month later.

  • Calle will be considered a lunatic in the village if he continues to talk. They threaten that the dance event will not be successful.

  • They also require that nobody else writes on the internet about what’s going on.

  • Sister found that Lawrence Ilg had written on facebook. Lawrence had posted Calle leaving Herräng because of his mother’s stroke.

  • The commune manager required Calle to ensure that Lawrence would erase what he’d written on facebook about mom’s condition, care or the situation at LG.

  • No one was allowed to send birthday cards on her birthday. This was a requirement from sister.

Mom’s birthday: sept 9

  • Some people at Herräng organized a mass birthday card sending.

  • Sister forbid it.

  • At this meeting, dad has a prepared full written paper, from which he read his statements. i.e. he was fully prepared.

  • Dad says, among other things, he does not expect the staff to take mom to the bathroom when she needs to go. Because, what should that staff do when she doesn’t need to go to the bathroom? Should they play cards?

  1. E (article 19)

Date: Sept 9

Place, 90th birthday of mom at LG ()

  • Sister requires Calle write on facebook that mom is being treated well at LG

  1. A (article 9, 13 – mom stranded at LG, not welcome in her own home)

Date: Sept 10, 2012

Place: Dad’s apartment

Present: dad, sister, Anita Schultz

  • Sister and dad argue against that mom shuld have rehab, Anita agrees with them

  • All three say mom should not be allowed to visit her home.

  1. Informational

Date: Sept 17, 2012

Place: Hospital in Gäddede (tiny tiny)

Present: Dr. Mats Ullén, dad, sister and brother (both on phone), Barbro (bad), and others

  • Dr. Mats Ullén claims mom gets rehab at LG, claims mom gets the best rehab available in Sweden at LG, he is completey satisfied with the care mom is receiving. Calle says mom has been losing functions instead of getting function. Doc says, ‘not every stroke patient gets better‘.
    (more: see 24. (feb 8, 2013))

  1. D (article 8, 10 – lawyer not acting in best interst of mom, prejudiced „second opinion“)

Date: Sept (approx), 2012 (first call sept 14 (probably))

Place: phone

  • Calle talks to lawyer Ulla Linden (famous for protecting rights of patients)

  • Calle explains the case. Calle asks for her service to advocate for mom.

  • Calle explains the doc has cancelled his referral that he had written due to request from dad even though initially he’d stressed the importance of treatment.

  • Calle tells her about the Sept 8 meeting and threats.

  • She’s accepts. She sends a request for a second opinion to Dr. Mats Ullén and Barbro though Calle had requested that she not do that.

  • Calle asks her why it was necessary to contact Barbro. she says, that’s the way you do it by the law and this will guarantee that mom will get correct treatment. Calle explains he called her to protect her rights against the doc.

  • Dr. Mats Ullén and Barbro find a doc they like and ask him for a second opinion, a retired doc in the village (a friend of theirs) Håkan Jonsson. For obvious reasons, this doctor says that everything is fine as is.

  • Days/weeks later: Calle calls patient nämnden and explains the situation. They say now, since there’s a second opinion, they no longer have any authority to do anything. So in effect the lawyer destroyed any power the complaint board would have had. The lawyer allowed the doc to choose who they wanted for the second opinion.

  • (documented and available upon request)

  1. B, F (article 5, 21.2 – denied dental care, locked alone in her room)

Date: September 2012 (started in August)

Place: LG

  • Clear mom had extremely bad breath and something was wrong with her oral health

  • It turns out they were not brushing her teeth

  • Linda (of Linda and Elliott) pointed this out clearly.

  • Linda asked the staff.

  • By that time mom had extreme tooth ache, very painful and easy to see

  • Mom was in great pain.

  • She was refused dental care by dad and Barbro.

  • They claimed she had dental care but it was clear she didn’t.

  • By November, it’s so bad, the teeth were also loose, gums inflamed.

  • Calle asks the staff and they dismiss it saying, “old people lose their teeth.“

  • Mom had difficulty eating (getting into December/Christmas)

  • When mom ate she would scream when she was eating.

  • Staff came and said she was not nice and disturbing the others.

  • In the middle of meals they would pull her away and lock her alone in her room.

  • That happened many times continuing into spring 2013, the whole spring.

  • By spring 2013 her teeth were pretty much rotten.

  1. A, B (article 13, 5 – calle refused to see mom, mom left alone sick (on her back vomitting))

Date: Saturday Nov 3, 2012

Place: LG

  • Mom is sick (stomach flu, throwing up).

  • Calle is refused visiting rights. She’s locked in her room.

  • She’s throwing up.

  • Calle manages to get into her room.

  • Calle gets in when they open the door.

  • Not every time locked but closed.

  • Calle gets in.. found mom had been throwing up.

  • She’s alone, laying on her back. very dangerous, easy to choke and die on vomit.

  1. A, B (article 13, 5 – calle refused right to see mom, mom left alone sick (on her back vomitting))

Date: Dec 2012 (specific date is availalbe if needed)

Date: Jan 17, 2013

  • Again similar, mom is sick.

  • Calle is refused entrance.

  • Sign on door, “no one is allowed to visit because of flu“ but, of course, staff are free to come and go.

  • They work hard to keep Calle out but he manages to get in.

  • They’re really mad.

  • She’s still put on her back in bed, even though she’s throwing up, alone in her room.

  • Calle not allowed to sit with her.

  • Calle finds her with vomit on her face and neck.

  • They know she’s paralyzed and cannot turn her head. Vomit all over her face and chest.

  • Calle cleans her up and stays with her and tells the it’s going to end right now.

  • Nobody takes Calle seriously and make no changes.

  1. D (article 7, 8, 10 – lawyer of Anders Andersson representing dad & överförmynderen)

F (21.2, medical docs show Dr. Mats Ullén making nuerological diagnosis)

Date: Feb 8, 2013

Place: In court in Östersund

Present: Judge, court people, lawyer of Anders Andersson, Calle and Calle’s lawyer, Michael Fischbein, överförmynderen (person who represents people who need support in a society, i.e. old, sick, anyone who needs help to defend their rights, name is: Angelica Texmo. dad on phone, possibly someone else on phone (brother)

  • Before the court hearing starts, lawyer of commune manager, asks Calle out and says, “if you drop the case, we will honour you“.

  • They made this hearing because Calle didn’t sign the paper allowing dad to be the godman.

  • The godman is someone who has control and can speak for someone who no longer can for themselves

  • Normally in Swedish practice this is not allowed to be an immediate family member; since they wanted an immediate family member in this case, every member of the family needs to sign that it’s okay. Calle had refused (obviously). So he had no case to drop. It was in fact them bringing the case forward. Calle is there for mom and not for honour.

In court:

  1. Commun lawyer is representing överförmynderen (which makes no sense because they have conflicting interests).

  2. Överförmynderen requests that dad should have all three levels of guardianship [i) property control rights, ii) protecting someone’s rights, iii) speak for that person (cares for that person) rights, i.e. speak for her, her wishes in any/all situations ]. Even though this seems to contradict her role as defender of mom’s rights.

  3. Medical records that Calle is never allowed to see are presented. It is made clear that the doc at LG, Dr. Mats Ullén, diagnosed mom with irreversible brain damage that treatment cannot help. Dr. Mats Ullén, however, is only a GP, he’s not qualified to make this diagnosis. And this contradicts what he originally said on Sept 17 about mom getting the best rehab available in Sweden at LG. Furthermore, the second opinion, initiated by the lawyer Ulla Linden, revealed that the consulting doctor (i.e. friend of Dr. Mats Ullén and Barbro) confirmed this neurological diagnosis, even though he himself is also only a GP doctor and not qualified.

  1. Informational

(- intimidation, lynch mob feeling for Calle)

Date: Thursday March 28, 2013

Place: LG

Present: big meeting, 30 people, everyone living at LG and all their families, LG staff, Barbro

Dad, mom, Calle

The following incident speaks to the desire of the LG group to break Calle’s spirit, through threats and humiliation.

  • Calle received a phone call the morning of March 28th to inform him that LG is having a public meeting.  He received no explanation as to what it was about.

  • When he arrives, he’s surprised by 30 people being present. It’s highly likely that the other people had prior notice of the meeting.

  • All the residents and their families are present, many of whom live far away so they’ve obviously been given advanced notice.

  • Barbro explains that LG has never received any complaints but outlines how one would register a complaint if they wanted to.

  • Then she says, there is one complaint.  She reads this to room, then announces that everyone should take a break to consider it.

  • When they reconvene, Calle’s father stands up and reads from a prepared statement that his son, Calle, is responsible for sending in the complaint.  The attitude of the room turns against Calle.

  • Note: The complaint was actually made by Cecilia, not Calle. See: CECILIA ERICZON’S ATTEMPT TO SEEK JUSTICE THROUGH THE SWEDISH COURTS

  • Calle was unable to defend himself;  all he could do was stand there, holding mom’s hand, taking the abuse.

  • The meeting went on with attacks on Calle for some time.

  • Only one person, Märit, resident of LG, VERY BRAVELY, stood up and said, “it’s actually not very good here“. She explains that the residents actually aren’t treated very well.

  • Märit’s family interjects and suggests that she doesn’t know what she’s talking about and should not be paid attention to.

  • Her daughter and granddaughter both affirmed their belief that Märit is  mentally ill and they object. Märit says (later), “How would you know? You’re never here.“

  • They asked her, what’s not good.

  • Märit says, staff are rude, they curse and they don’t treat us right.

  • Finally dad is done and sits.

  • After dad gave his speech the room broke in to applause with everyone staring Calle down.

  • Then, the staff accuse Calle of locking mom in a dark room. (This is what had been reported to IVO by Cecilia.)

  • Calle never made these reports, mostly because he genuinely feared for mom’s good care and even her life.

  • Especially after the threats of Sept 8.

  • Calle really couldn’t know how serious their threats were. They could really could kill mom and get away with it.

  • Furthermore, Calle was discouraged from going to the police.

  • Others had reported to the police and received backhanded threats since the commune manager knows the police.

  • Note: In regards to this meeting, see also: ADDITIONAL NOTES ABOUT THE THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, MEETING

  1. B, F (article 5 – forced sleeping pill medication, not medically charted!)

(and medical malpractice)

Date: Monday July 8 – 22, 2013 (over a period of two weeks, every night)

Date: Thursday July 18 (talk with the doc described below occus)

Doctor name: Jonny Johansson

Place: Strömsund, Näva

Present: mom

  • LG claim they cannot work with Calle present,

  • Calle suggests everyone needs a little holiday. They decide to send her Strömsund, Näva.

  • Calle asks, well, why not send her to Remonthagen, where she wants to go and can get rehab? They refuse and send her where she doesn’t want to go. The situation is similar and worse because she’d have no visitors.

  • Mom is given sleeping pills

  • The nurses deny the sleeping pills.

  • The pills are not listed in the medical records.

  • Calle and Cecilia saw mom given sleeping pills.
    Calle had requested that sleeping pills not be given;  if mom can’t sleep, just call Calle and he’ll come sit with her.

  • One night Calle and Cecilia were there and the night nurse confirmed it was a sleeping pill that Ida had been given.

  • The nightnurse said she had to fulfil the sleeping pill medication because the main nurse had said so.

  • Next day, the head nurse denied sleeping pill prescription.

  • Doctor claims no pills because it’s not on her chart.

  • Use of sleeping pills was also obvious from her constant drowsiness.

  1. B (article 5 – mom left sick (vomitting symptoms) on her back)

Date: August 4, 2013

Place LG

  • Same thing as December when mom is sick

  • She’s sick, left alone on her back

  • Calle finds her with puke on her face and chest.

  • Calle writes that the same has happened several times. They have very deliberately put her on her back in her bed and locked her in alone in her room when she was sick and needed to throw up. Mom knew that she might have to throw up and she knew that she couldn’t move. She didn’t know when it would happen, but she knew that she probably would suffocate when it happened and that no one would come to rescue her. It is like giving someone a time bomb and you don’t know when it is going to go off – or even worse, since you already feel sick and scared and you feel that you might need to throw up, but won’t survive if you do. Mom did throw up, but she was lucky and she did survive. If that is not torture then nothing is.

Here are a few more examples when this happened:

  • When sick and throwing up being locked in alone in her room put on the back in her bed – even though she can’t turn herself when she is throwing up
    §  Nov 3rd, 2012
    §  Dec 26th, 2012
    §  Jan 11th, 2013
    §  Aug 4th, 2013

  1. E (article 19, 20)

Place: Gäddede


  • Many people (almost always choosing to remain unnamed) have expressed to Calle that they cannot speak out against the nursing home LG, the doctor Mats Ullén or the community leader, Andersson.

  • This is because either they fear reprisal (economic, social or otherwise) or are connected to these people in some way.

  • This includes the church leader (name, his wife works at LG).

  • Other people have family at LG and they either don’t care (i.e. are happy their family is somewhere to die) or have been threatened that their family member will suffer if they speak out.

  • Calle and his friend Märit were welcome at the tourist info centre for fika, until their friend there was fired.

  1. A, B (article 9, 5 – mom denied eating meals with her family)

Place LG

  • Mom wants to eat meals with her family. This right is denied to her.

  • She expresses that continually but the right is denied.

30 A, B (article 3, 5)

Date: Oct 16, 2014

Place: LG

Present: Calle, Barbro, Maeve, Eva, LG staff

  • Care planning meeting day

  • A care planning meeting was scheduled. Calle is, by law, entitled to bring (at least one) friend with him to this meeting.

  • Maeve Hunter was forcibily denied entrance (Barbro physically blocked her way) and so also was Calle’s friend, a chief doctor from Stockholm (Eva Törnqvist).

  • Maeve telephoned many authorities (police in various cities) all who refused to comment.

  • Maeve called a Swedish general emergency number who referred her to the local police.

  • At the meeting Calle’s family were not interested in discussing Ida’s drug plan.

  • Ulla, the main person in favour of administering Imovane/Zopiclone was not present.

  • Ida has communicated she would prefer no drugs.


  • Calle has more evidence/research to this fact.. Nevertheless, it was decided Ida would receive this drug.

– here a few more maybe worth including (Simal)

31 A, E (article 1, 3, 19)

  • Calle’s family and LG staff claim mom cannot communicate but she clearly can.

  • She greets me (guest and friend from Canada, Simal Saujani), makes it clear when it’s time for fika, clearly is happy to offer fika.

  • She makes eye contact and offers cookies.

  • When she sees me, she reaches her hand to me and grabs my hand.

  • She sings when she’s happy.

  • She screams when she’s sad

  • These are strongly correlated to when Calle comes in and the LG staff come in, respectively.

32 A, B (article 13, 5 – LG damn nurses)

Date 10, January, 2015

Place LG

Present: mom, Calle, Chachi, Simal and one LG nurse (name:)

  • Chachi and I (both guests and friends from Canada) walk into the room at precisely 16:55.

  • We’ve brought dinner because we promised mom that we would cook a nice dinner to share together.

  • The nurse is standing very close to Ida and talking firmly with her.

  • Calle is sitting calmy in a chair nearby.

  • The nurse ignores us, after a minute she leaves.

  • We set the table for dinner.

  • The nurse comes back with a tray of absolutely horrid looking plate of food (Simal’s description) and offers it to Ida.

  • She says very little but takes the glass of juice. The nurse hesitates.

  • Calle offers her to leave the tray on the counter beside the sink.

  • The nurse is already walking out and says something sassy.

  • After calle confirms: “the nurse told Ida she was not allowed to eat dinner anywhere else but the dining room and without us (her son and friends).”

  • Ida had argued. The nurse took her chair and began to wheel her out. Ida grabbed the table and held on, resisting.

  • Note again: when I arrived, Calle was sitting very calmly. He told me he suggested to the nurse, “well, why not ask what she wants?“

  1. B (article 5)

Place: LG

Date: 11 January, 2015

  • Calle called Chachi at 16:30, told us mom wet her pants.

  • The nurses put her to bed and threatened her with no dinner.

  • Distraught, she fainted.

  • Returning later Calle stayed with her until 23:00.

  • He got home after 23:30.

  • We have no way of knowing if she got any food or not.

  • Nevertheless, she was so happy to be able to see Calle eat –only because there were some white beans in her little fridge and she had food to offer him, her son.

  • We suspect she did not eat (there have been other suspicious occasions when it seems possible she went without food)


Note: nobody else at LG receives any visitors. Other friends of mom’s used to visit but then were discouraged to visit any more.

People referenced in the above:


Ida Johansson


Kullenvägen 10

830 90 GÄDDEDE




Calle Johansson

c/o Martin Sjöberg

Gussvattnet 247

830 90 GÄDDEDE


Mobile: +1 (415) 996-7934 

Email: callej@live.com


Sister of Calle

Margareta Johansson

Ängerås 2

532 73 VARNHEM


Mobile: +46 70  567 65 72

Home:  +46 511 608 32

Email: a.e.margareta@telia.com


Brother of Calle

Kent Ålstig

Mobile: +46 70 219 00 59

+46 70 346 67 48

Email: kent.alstig@telia.com


Dad of Calle

Gösta Johansson

Storgatan 39B

830 90 GÄDDEDE


Mobile: +46 703 980 850

Home:  +46 672 102 15

Email: gosta-johansson31@telia.com


Margot Swanström


0672-100 01


Kullen 2 B

830 90 Gäddede

Yoshiko Abe

Email: yoshikoabe.us@gmail.com

Phone:  +1 (425) 503-9591

She lives in Seattle, WA, USA


Elizabeth Turesson

zz – need to find her (I believe Calle thinks she could be a friend, though she chose not to be supportive publicly). She is a physical therapist, now living in Värnamo







Anneli Andersson

Email: annelianderssson@gmail.com

Phone:  +46 731 422 522

She lives in Knivsta, between Arlanda Airport and Uppsala.

Stroke unit in Norrtälje

Stroke unit in Norrtälje

Anki Karlsson

Norrtälje Strokerehabilitering

+46 703 065 733


Barbro Blom (manager and head nurse at LG)

0672-41 67 01


Maria Strängby

070-606 96 71

072-726 39 35

Brogatan 39, 83090 GÄDDEDE

Karta och vägbeskrivning

Doc Kicki Allebjer

Kristina Allebjer

Chief Doctor

Stroke Unit

Östersunds Sjukhus

831 83 Östersund

Phone: +46 63 15 32 08  (Stroke Unit)

+46 63 15 30 00  (Main number)

Kristina’s mobile phone:   +46 73 069 32 00


Stroke Unit Manager: Helena Ivansson

Medical Responsible: Magnus Gibson

Kristina’s private address:

Blomstervägen 22

832 47 Frösön

Phone: +46 63 51 07 30



http://www.doktorsguiden.se/lakare/allebjer-kristina nf

Primärvårdsdagar 13-14 november


http://www.regionjh.se/folkhalsasjukochtandvard/ostersundssjukhus/sjukhuset/centrumformedicinskaspecialiteter/omradehjartaneurologiochrehabilitering/strokeavdelningen.4.57d2741e12a83663c8680003.html nf


Daniella (stroke assoc in stockholm)

Daniela Bjarne

08 721 88 21


greta toreskogbackman (local stroke assoc, Östersund)

Greta Toreskog Beckman

Fritzhemsgatan 67

832 46 Frösön


Phone: +46 63 554 38 26

Mobile: +46 70 697 69 55

Email: greta@jamtland.nu

She used to be the chairman of the local Stroke Association in this district. Now her husband, Jens Beckman, is the chairman. She is still very involved in the Stroke Association and probably one of the most active persons in this district helping people with Stroke. She has been very helpful when it comes to Mom and finding care for her. It is my sister and my Dad that have refused Mom the care that exists and that she needs. Greta is also involved in the big Stroke rehabilitation initiative, RAS. She is also working with both rehab centers in the district: Remonthagen and Reacting.

In this article you can see Greta together with Helena Ivansson (Manager of the Stroke Unit at Östersund’s Sjukhus):


Here are some other references:


http://www.strokez.se/ras-projektet/ nf




http://www.hitta.se/greta+toreskog+beckman/fr%C3%B6s%C3%B6n/person/dRZX4vnnn1 nf







Barbro Bengtsson at Remonthagen

Chief doc at Remonthagen closed care (Jan-Anders rehnström)

Jan-Anders Renstrom, 063-15 30 00

Barbro and chief doc at Remonthagen closed care (Jan-Anders rehnström)

Barbro Norberg Mobil: 070-646 22 77

Ulla (nurse at LG)

Anita Schultz (Cousin of Calle)

Annita Schulz

Västra Stärkesmark 12

911 91 VÄNNÄS

Mobile: +46 70 566 82 42

Home:  +46 935 300 57

Email: anita.schulz@starkesmark.se


Lawyer Ulla Linden (famous for protecting rights of patients)

Ulla Linden


VårdJuridik, Uppsala


018 – 13 11 23


Retired doc in village Håkan Jonsson


Linda & Elliott

Elliott Donnelley

Email: elliottd@gmail.com

Phone:  +1 (415) 902-8095

+1 (415) 509-4899

He lives in San Francisco, CA, USA


Linda Wierman

Email: linda_wierman@hotmail.com

Phone:  +1 (425) 922-5776


Lawyer of Anders Andersson

Calle’s lawyer, Michael Fischbein

Angelica Texmo (överförmynderen)

Märit (resident at LG)


Kullenvägen 10

830 90 GÄDDEDE



Cecilia (friend of Calle)

Cecilia Ericzon

Email: cecilia.ericzon@gmail.com

Phone:  +46 70 544 08 62

She lives in Väse, just east of Karlstad, Sweden.

Jenny (friend of Calle)

Jonny Johanson (doc at Strömsund)

http://www.regionjh.se/folkhalsasjukochtandvard/halsocentraler/stromsund/lakarmottagning.4.17c5aca212915babc3c800085.html nf

Tel: 0670-166 00


Sister of Mom

May Ögren

911 00 Vännäs

Email: vannasmay@telia.com


Dr. Mats Ullén (horrible local doc here)

Dr. Mats Ullén




Eva Törnqvist



Ida’s current doctor is also Håkan Jonsson – a retired GP in Gäddede who made a neurological second opinion about Mom’s need for rehabilitation. He is also the person prescribing Mom 7.5mg Zopiclone every day.