Call to Action

There are simple and direct ways that you can do to help free Ida:

1. Send an Email!

We are trying to get help from the Swedish government and media, though many of them are very far away from Gäddede. More voices that can send out a simple email will help enormously!

We have a google drive that lists all the current email campaigns, as well as some example letters that have been written. Whether you write something short or long it will help, and please let us know so we can add it to the drive:

Google Drive: Letter Writing Campaigns

We have prepared a sample letter. You can use it as a guide and adjust it to your own wording. Click here.

2. Sign this petition

3. Submit a complaint

Make a formal complaint on this website and attach a letter.

Here is some help on how to answer the questions. You can also attach a letter – the same letter you might send to the Queen as suggested here – to accompany your complaint.

  • The authority and/or official against whom the complaint is being made:
    The Levinsgården Nursing Home in Gaddede, Sweden.

  • Any file or registration number which the case may have been given by the authority:

  • Give a brief description of what happened and when:
    I am reporting the Levinsgården nursing home in, Gaddede, Sweden for their continued abuse of 92 year old Ida Johansson, one of their patients. What is going on at Levinsgården is illegal and violates human rights. Please see my attached letter for full details.

  • What do you consider was wrong with the way in which the authority/official acted?
    The nursing home continues to abuse Ida Johansson and other patients in a variety of human rights violations including but not limited to isolation, neglect, squalor and unsanitary practices including forcing her to defecate on herself, heavy and inappropriate drugging and more as outlined in my attached letter.

Additional information:
I am asking the following: 1) Ida be moved immediately to an appropriate facility that will show her proper care and dignity;

  • 2) there be an investigation of Levinsgarden and how the nursing home pitfalls are remedied so that no other residents suffer abuse like Ida’s; and 3) some kind of reporting and accountability mechanism be introduced immediately to ensure that healthcare standards are being met and others like Ida receive appropriate care.

4. Write a letter to the Queen of Sweden

The Swedish Queen, Silvia, is very engaged in elderly care. She could be a person that could really make a change if enough people reach out to her. Here is a sample letter that you can use as an outline, and her address is as follows:

Her Majesty Queen Silvia of Sweden

H.M. The Queens Household

Kungl, Slottet

107 70 Stockholm

5. Make a donation

Help to support Ida Johansson and her son, Calle’s, fight to rescue her from the abuse by making a direct donation to the campaign here.

6. Notify the Media

Are you a journalist or reporter, or do you know someone that is? Please share this website so that the media will take notice of this story which will help generate some real change. Contact us.

7. Get Involved

  • Visit Ida and Calle in Gaddede!

  • Write a letter or send a card to Ida – she really appreciates hearing from people:

Ida Johansson

c/o Martin Sjöberg & Calle Johansson

Gussvattnet 247

830 90 GÄDDEDE

  • If you have other helpful skills that you would like to offer (doctor, lawyer, film maker, stroke rehab, etc.) please contact us.