Letter from Lorenz Ilg

October 16, 2014

To whom it may concern:

My name is Lorenz Ilg and I have a personal background as a lawyer/barrister as well as judge here in Switzerland.

I’ve been to Gäddedde last time from 2nd until 5th of October 2014 and visited Ida Johansson 3 times: 3rd, 4th and 5th of October. I’ve previously been visiting 17th to 21st of October 2012 as well as from 27th until 30th of December 2012. .I’ve known Calle Johansson since 1990 and have had the privilege of working with him closely many times and in many different situations over the past 24 years.

I first met Ida and Gösta in Herräng, Sweden 20 years ago, so I can say that I’ve known the family for some time now!

My own father also suffered several strokes and lives in a home since august 2013. So I have both the knowledge and experience to compare to.

Today I am reporting to you about this case of Ida Johansson with severe neglecting of care, even refusal of care as follows:

  1. When getting her ready for going out for a promenade on the 4th of October 2014, we realised when changing her socks, that her feet were not washed for a long time, she had open, sore skin as well as fungus on almost all her toenails. It is obvious, that the facility she is staying at is not looking after her, not even basic needs of hygiene are fulfilled!

  2. It is obvious to see that her teeth are not well taken care of. Therefore she has a hard time eating independently since she has a lot of pain. It is very clear that the facility Ida is staying at is not providing the absolute necessary care, instead let her health get worse and worse!

  3. When visiting her in the afternoon around 17 o’clock on the 4th of October she was still or again in bed, without any stimulation. The same happened on the morning on the 5th of October, when we tried to visit her around 11 o’clock: she was still in bed! Obviously the schedule issued for her rehabilitation is not followed through at all! We could never witness any kind of therapy in this direction – not the least sign of it, and neither now nor in 2012! How can a stroke patient not get any kind of rehabilitation or therapy, not even the least kind of activity?!!! Honestly, it is hard to believe that this is even possible in a developed country like Sweden!!! My father got daily therapy from the very beginning after his stroke – and still gets it daily!

  4. When visiting on the evening of the 3rd of October 2014 she hasn’t even had dinner yet, but got her night-fika at the same time. So she got neglected feeding her, or feeding her at the same time! It seems that the facility is not providing her any kind of regularity in her day, neither for a daily routine in general nor when it comes to eating/feeding! How can this be possible in a developed country like Sweden!

  5. It was very obvious that Ida Johansson gets sedated by strong medication. Through a coincidence we found a paper in the bin which showed that they took out 100 tablets of 5mg each of Imovane on the 5th of September! There are evidences that she gets even the generica of Zopiclone, which could sum up to an even higher dose of almost 7.5 mg of Imovane daily! Even worse we hear that she is getting this since 2012! It is internationally notorious that Imovane is totally contraindicated for stroke patients (see p.ex.http://www.medsafe.govt.nz/consumers/cmi/i/imovane.pdf, page 4) and should only be taken for a short period, recommended only for 2 – 4 weeks.

  6. Every time we visited Ida Johansson at our last visit 3rd, 4th and 5th of October it took over 10 minutes until some care staff of the facility appeared after Ida called for help to get ready to even receive visitors in her room!

  7. It is remarkable, that the remiss of the first doctor of Ida Johansson to treat her at Remonthagen got taken back after very short time. Was it because of economical reasons or under pressure of some family members? How comes that the medical diagnosis of a doctor does not win over some particularly interests of either family members or economical interests (like p.ex. not giving an older stroke patient the treatment they need and they’ve paid for during her lifetime)?

  8. While I know Gösta Johansson and have had good interactions with him prior to Ida’s stroke it seems quite clear that he is not up to the job of being a Good Man for Ida and has endangered his wife by not properly overseeing her course of treatment or standing up for what I have witnessed to be her improper treatment and care. I understand that a police report has been filed against Gösta as well. Based upon my knowledge of the current situation I think it is in the best interest of Ida that a new Good Man is found who is capable of looking out for the best interest of Ida.

  9. I also understand that Anders Andersson, Chairman of the Östersund kommun, has been involved in the process of nominating Gösta as the good man, even being present in person. This seems completely inappropriate and borders on corruption. I’m deeply concerned that not only is Ida Johansson being mistreated but that the Swedish health care system and criminal justice system is not handling this case in a proper fashion.

I also strongly question the management of the facility Levinsgarden.

I’d strongly encourage you to act quickly to correct this situation and to hold those accountable for Ida’s poor level of care and what I have seen to be her ongoing mistreatment.

Best regards

Lorenz Ilg