
Supporting Evidence

Utredningen av Överförmyndare Angelica Texmo i fallet Ida Johansson (220909-8744) – II

January 25, 2017

Hej Gusten,

Hur går utredningen av Överförmyndaren Angelica Texmo? Hon har som du vet inte ägnat en sekund åt att själv kontrollera hur hennes huvudman behandlas och hon har trots en stor mängd rapporter och bevis fortfarande inte anmält övergreppen mot hennes huvudman varken till IVO eller till polisen. Hon har heller inte kontaktat den advokat, Anderas Viktor, som sedan fyra år (2013) har erbjudit sig att vara god man för Ida.

Hon fortsätter att missbruka sin position grovt, vilket drabbar de som inte kan försvara sig själva – däribland Ida Johansson.

Varje dag hon tillåts fortsätta på det sättet kostar det personer i störst behov av hennes hjälp både enormt lidande och även liv.

Jag bifogar återigen en översikt av materialet och ber att du agerar skyndsamt. Jag är tacksam ifall du kan lämna mig en uppdatering om hur utredningen går.

Vänliga hälsningar,



From: Calle Johansson

Sent: Thursday, December 15, 2016 6:00 PM

To: Gusten Windelhed

Cc: An Wennberg

Subject: Utredningen av Överförmyndare Angelica Texmo i fallet Ida Johansson (220909-8744)

  1. Östersunds Rehabcentrum Remonthagen har accepterat Ida för inneliggande rehab och väntar nu enbart remiss.

  2. Ida har tidigare blivit remitterad för rehabilitering, och således bedömts som rehabiliteringsbar. Vad jag förstår, och som även observerats av andra i Idas närhet, är hon motiverad till rehab och har gjort framsteg under den tid som hon tagit del av sådan. (Utlåtanden kan inhämtas från journaluppgifter på sjukhuset och Remonthagen).

  3. En patients rehabiliteringsbehov bedöms av professionen och inte av de anhöriga. Efter diskussion med sjukhusjurister samt Socialstyrelsen styrks att det inte heller finns någon rangordning för vem av en patients anhöriga skall få ”bestämma” över dennas vård om patienten själv ej kan förmedla sig.

  4. Ett godmanskap bör inte heller användas för att överrösta behovet av rehabiliterig. Det anordnas visserligen ”om någon på grund av sjukdom, psykisk störning, försvagat hälsotillstånd eller liknande förhållande behöver hjälp med att bevaka sin rätt, förvalta sin egendom eller sörja för sin person”. Det stämmer att Ida är i behov av en god man, men att frånhållas rehabilitering efter att, av professionen, bedömts som rehabiliteringsbar är inte liktydigt med ”att sörjas för”. Snarast tvärtom.


Överförmyndare Angelica Texmo angående agerande mot hennes huvudman, Ida…

Rehabiliteringen stoppades av Margareta och Gösta trots Idas behov och e…

Utredningen av Överförmyndare Angelica Texmo i fallet Ida Johansson (220909-8744) – I

December 16, 2016

Hej Gusten!

Jag har hört av An Evander Wennberg att hon har varit i kontakt med dig och att utredningen mot Överförmyndaren Angelica Texmo snart är klar. Jag är mycket tacksam för Ans engagemang i att hjälpa Ida. Men det har tagit väldigt lång tid för en så allvarlig sak. Jag hoppas att du tar det här på största allvar. Angelica har sedan augusti 2012 varit medveten om de övergrepp Ida har blivit utsatt för. Linda Wierman kontaktade henne initialt vid det tillfället. Sedan dess har ett antal personer kontaktat Angelica angående de övergrepp som pågått kontinuerligt mot hennes huvudman, Ida. Angelica har trots bevis vägrat att anmäla dessa övergrepp till polis, IVO eller andra myndigheter. Hon har varit totalt likgiltig inför att hennes huvudman har plågats mycket svårt. Hennes likgiltighet har lett till mycket svåra konsekvenser för hennes huvudman. En person som drabbats av skada och befinner sig i en utsatt situation måste kunna lita på att Överförmyndaren sköter sitt jobb. I det här fallet har Angelica gjort tvärt om och avsiktligt, trots tydlig och fullständig information, begått allvarliga brott. Hennes medvetna handlingar har lett till fruktansvärda plågor och trauman som är långt värre än den initiala stroke Ida först drabbades av. Hennes handlingar har även lett till att Idas liv vid flera tillfällen varit i fara. Allt detta känner Angelica till, men hon har ändå varit likgiltig inför hur hennes huvudman har plågats och vägrats den vård hon behövt.

Det ska inte kunna vara möjligt att en Överförmyndare som vägrar att anmäla övergrepp och som avsiktligt tillsätter en god man mot huvudmannens vilja – en god man som hon dessutom vet har förgripit sig på huvudmannens rätt och som uppmuntrar till fortsatta övergrepp – får fortsätta på det sättet. Det är mycket allvarligt. Och i det här fallet är det dessutom förenat med omänskligt lidande och fara för livet. Det krävs akut agerande.

Angelica visste att Ida kunde kommunicera och uttrycka sin vilja. Angelica visste Idas vilja. Hon visste Idas vårdbehov. Hon visste att Margareta (Idas dotter) och Gösta (Idas man) hade sett till att Ida skulle vägras den rehabilitering som hon var inplanerad för. Hon visste dessutom att Ida inte ville ha Gösta som god man och hon kan inte ha haft några som helst problem med att räkna ut varför. Något grymmare än att vägra en person vård efter en stroke kan man inte utsätta en person för. Det säger en hel del om både Margareta och Gösta. Överförmyndaren, Angelica Texmo, var mycket väl medveten om denna fruktansvärda grymhet och vad det innebär att vägras vård efter en stroke. Hon var mycket väl medveten om Idas rättigheter till den vård hon behövde och att Gösta och Margareta hade förvägrat henne den rätten. Hon visste mycket väl att Gösta hade stoppat rehabiliteringen innan hon utsåg honom till god man. Angelica visste att han inte skyddade Idas rätt till vård. Hon var även väl medveten om de övergrepp som skedde påLevinsgården, vilket hade rapporterats till kommunen och till henne av ett antal personer både inom och utanför vården (varav de inom vården fick sparken och de utanför fick besöksförbud vid 8 september mötet 2012). Allt detta var Angelica mycket väl medveten om. Hon visste också att Gösta inte på något sätt skyddade Ida mot de övergrepp hon blev utsatt för. Hon visste att han inte hade anmält några av dessa övergrepp och hon visste att han till och med hade uppmuntrat till flera av dessa, samt försvarat Levinsgården. Hon utsåg avsiktligen en god man som hon redan hade bevis för skadade huvudmannen, Ida. Och hon tog kommunjuristen, Staffan Hillström, till hjälp.

Du har redan fått utförlig information om allt detta för över ett år sedan, bifogad. Nedan kan du se Idas vårdbehov, hur hon själv jobbade hårt för att bli bättre, hennes rätt till vård, att hon blev vägrad vård av dotter och man, samt hennes egen vilja och att övergreppen rapporterats tydligt till Angelica. Det säger en hel del…

Jag hoppas för Idas och andra svårt utsatta personers skulle att du agerar snabbt och kraftfullt mot Angelica. Ida är fortfarande i livet trots det hon pga av Angelica har blivit utsatt för. Det är mycket brådskande att en Överförmyndare, som är medveten om de övergrepp hennes huvudman utsätts för och som är likgiltig inför dessa och dessutom handlar mot huvudmannen, inte får fortsätta med det. Varje dag av dessa brutala övergrepp är en dag för mycket.

Vad kommer du att göra åt saken?




Calle Johansson


Mobil: 076 – 11 46 188



From: Elisabeth Turesson

Sent: Wednesday, August 1, 2012 7:43 AM

To: Calle Johansson

Subject: SV: Tack för idag!


Jag kan höra av mig till läkaren och sedan bistå med ett intyg bestående av en funktionsbedömning. Läkaren måste som sagt skriva remissen.

Jag tror att rehabilitering skulle hjälpa Ida mycket, i och med att hon visat sådana framsteg de första veckorna. Dessutom är hon beredd att jobba för det har jag märkt.




Med vänliga hälsningar

Elisabeth Turesson

Leg sjukgymnast



From: Peter Borenstein

Sent: Friday, July 15, 2016 6:34 AM

To: Calle Johansson

Subject: RE: Min Mor Ida Johansson behöver hjälp

Bäste Calle!

Ja, det verkar förfärligt! Enligt Socialstyrelsens Riktlinjer för Strokesjukvård, skall alla patienter ha rätt till

rehabilitering. Jag uppfattade inte riktigt varför den initiala rehabiliteringen uteblev. Var det Din far som inte ville??

Beträffande vanvården i hennes boende, tycker jag att Du skall anmäla situationen till Inspektionen för Vård och





Hjärtliga hälsningar!

Peter Borenstein


Rabbi Peter Borenstein, M.D.

Adjunct Professor of Neurology / Adjungerad professor i neurologi Ingatorpsgatan 2

S‐412 62 Göteborg, Sweden

+46‐708‐20 93 03



Bäste dr Mats Ullén,

Jag skriver till Dig i Din egenskap av husläkare till Ida Johansson (220909-8744). Själv är jag vikarierande underläkare i Stockholm och vän till en av Idas nära anhöriga, Calle Johansson, och det är på så vis som jag har kommit att ta del av Idas historia och hennes problematik kring att erhålla inneliggande rehabilitering efter sin tid på Östersunds sjukhus.

Kort bakgrund:

Ida drabbades av en vänstersidig mediainfarkt juni-12, med nuvarande sequele högersidig pares och expressiv afasi. Hon hade i efterförloppet blivit remitterad två gånger till Remonthagen för inneliggande rehabilitering efter akutvården, och två gånger har Idas andra anhöriga avbrutit denna rehabperiod. Orsaken till avbrytandet är mig obekant, men det som uppdagats för mig är att det ter sig inte ha varit baserat på patientens egna önskemål eller oförmåga att tillgodogöra sig rehabiliteringen.


Eftersom jag inte är behandlande läkare till Ida och har liksom Du, journalförningsplikt och uppföljningsskyldighet till de patienter för vilka jag skriver remiss, går det inte att jag själv skriver en sådan. Det jag å andra sidan kan göra är att skriva ett remissförslag till behandlande läkare för remittering till Remontahagen för en period av inneliggande rehab. Motiveringen behandlas i följande punkter:

  1. Östersunds Rehabcentrum Remonthagen har accepterat Ida för inneliggande rehab och väntar nu enbart remiss.

  2. Ida har tidigare blivit remitterad för rehabilitering, och således bedömts som rehabiliteringsbar. Vad jag förstår, och som även observerats av andra i Idas närhet, är hon motiverad till rehab och har gjort framsteg under den tid som hon tagit del av sådan. (Utlåtanden kan inhämtas från journaluppgifter på sjukhuset och Remonthagen).

  3. En patients rehabiliteringsbehov bedöms av professionen och inte av de anhöriga. Efter diskussion med sjukhusjurister samt Socialstyrelsen styrks att det inte heller finns någon rangordning för vem av en patients anhöriga skall få ”bestämma” över dennas vård om patienten själv ej kan förmedla sig.

  4. Ett godmanskap bör inte heller användas för att överrösta behovet av rehabiliterig. Det anordnas visserligen ”om någon på grund av sjukdom, psykisk störning, försvagat hälsotillstånd eller liknande förhållande behöver hjälp med att bevaka sin rätt, förvalta sin egendom eller sörja för sin person”. Det stämmer att Ida är i behov av en god man, men att frånhållas rehabilitering efter att, av professionen, bedömts som rehabiliteringsbar är inte liktydigt med ”att sörjas för”. Snarast tvärtom.

Rehabilitering efter akut strokevård, om rehabpotential och träningsmotivation finns, brukar vara en självklarhet. Mycket tacksam ifall pat kan få chansen till rehabilitering enligt den initiala planen, trots att lång tid har förflutit sedan dess, innan ännu längre tid förflyter. Remonthagen väntar enbart remiss.

Bästa hälsningar,

Agnes Gorczyca, vik. ul., Stockholm



From: Carina Johansson

Sent: Friday, August 10, 2012 1:43 PM

To: Calle Johansson

Subject: Re: Hur mår Ida Johansson?


Din mamma hade det vi kallar en mediainfarkt på vänster sida i hjärnan, d v s i det område med blodkärl

som försörjer det område som sitter ganska centralt i hjärnan och då på vänster hjärnhalva. Under

vårdtiden här hölls kontroll på blodtryck och puls mm regelbundet enligt det vi kallar strokerutiner, d v s

var sjätte timme dygn ett, och sedan två gånger/dygn. Blodtrycket har legat stabilt på 150-160/80, och pulsen runt 80, vilket är bra(väldigt bra för en gammal människa).


Det finns ju ingenting som hindrar din mamma från att aktivera sig fysiskt.




m v h

Cina Johansson

Koordinator/undersköterska strokeavdelningen



Medicinska specialiteter

Område Hjärta Neurologi Rehabilitering

Region Jämtland Härjedalen 2016-03-24

Vid granskning av journalanteckningar från den tiden då remiss skrevs för din mor

framgår det, precis som du angivit, att remiss skrevs 120731 och att den sen togs tillbaka

120806 i samråd med döttrar och make.




Med vänlig hälsning

Lena Olander                           Anna Frisk

Områdeschef                            Enhetschef



Idas egna önskan:

From: Eva Törnqvist

Sent: Tuesday, December 9, 2014 4:54 PM

To: Angelica Texmo

Cc: Calle Johansson

Subject: Ida Johansson



Jag skriver angående Ida Johansson, 220909-xxxx.

Jag arbetar själv som överläkare i Stockholm och har tidigare även arbetat vid geriatriken i Stockholm. Jag har fått beskrivit för mig hur Ida har behandlats på boendet sedan drygt 2 år tillbaka och jag har konstaterat att stora delar av den vård och omsorg ej är förenligt med modern svensk vård och omsorg. Jag har därför skrivit anmälan till IVO angående detta.

Det har också varit klart att Idas närstående haft olika grader av kunskap kring vad god vård och omsorg kan vara och olika åsikter hur man bäst bevakar Idas rättigheter. Trots detta har man utsett Idas make till God man.

Det har tex framkommit att Ida vid flera tillfällen bryskt fått läggas och stängas in i mörkt rum. Förutom verbala protester har hon inte haft några fysiska möjligheter till något alternativ. Vidare har det även framkommit att man ibland pga krav från Idas make tillika god man med fysiskt våld och under protester lagt Ida för kvällen och släckt rummet. Det finns ett otal beskrivningar av bestraffningar och inlåsning på mörkt rum. Dessa händelser är att betrakta som en tvångsåtgärd inom vården vilket det ej finns lagrum för varken gentemot patienten eller Levinsgården, det är därtill högst oetiskt. Detta är således exempel på kraftigt övervåld/övergrepp mot patient i försvarslös ställning.

Jag skriver till dig då jag och Idas son Calle Johansson starkt ifrågasätter valet av god man då Idas make ej kan bedömas själv kunna stödja sin hustru Ida i att förvalta hennes intressen/rätt på bästa sätt.





Eva Törnqvist

Uppdatering 12 september

12 september 2016

Klicka på följande dokument för att öppna det:

Miljömagasinet Artikel

2 december 2015

Här är en artikel som publicerades i veckan i Miljömagasinet, en oberoende nationell tidning som fokuserar på miljöfrågor och sätter människan och miljön i centrum, både i Sverige och internationellt. De har ett rykte om sig att vara orädda och inte backa för obekväma frågor. De skriver också om människor som vill förändra världen till det bättre när det gäller miljö, hälsa och mänskliga rättigheter.

Här hittar du bland annat en artikel om Ida Johansson.

Miljömagasinet, 27 november 2015 – Ida Johansson

Se också nedan:

Audio:ård och misshandel av stroke-drabbad på Levinsgården i Gäddede.mp4?dl=0


Journaliststudenter grankar Frostviken

November 13, 2015

Skickar här en länk som kanske har ett visst intresse.

Vi har tidigare höjt Gäddede och det lokala engagemanget till skyarna. I dag fick vi se en annan sida. En mörk sida.

Marita Orrmalm Hansson är undersköterska. Hon har tidigare arbetat på Närvården i Gäddede, men allergiproblem tvingade henne att säga upp sig. När hon sedan ville tillbaka var hon inte välkommen. Trots att Närvården var i stora behov av undersköterskor – och Marita, med 17 års erfarenhet, var mer än kvalificerad för arbetet. Vi pratar om Maritas kamp efter svaret på varför hon inte blev anställd – som gjorde henne utfryst, mobbad och till slut tvingade henne att lämna bygden.

Här hittar ni hela artikeln, med tillhörande ljudinslag.

Med vänlig hälsning


Notes from Sunday, June 21st

June 23, 2015

SUNDAY JUNE 21, 2015

…I told Mom that I had a lot of work to do so i needed to go home. I haven’t been able to make my diary easily searchable for some time and I am far behind in people I need to write to. I told Mom what I was doing. She was happy about that. But she was still completely terrified what I was about to leave. So I stayed a bit longer. I was planning to leave at 5pm. But I stayed until 7:20pm. Mom was wonderful. We ate together, washed the dishes and talked. But when I tried to leave she was terrified. She knew what was waiting. I also knew what was waiting her. I also knew that I couldn’t stop the abuse even if I was there, so I was hoping that I could help Mom better by going home and work. After I got home I regret that I left. I know that I have a lot of work to do. And I know that I can’t stop the abuse by being there with Mom. But Mom would have felt a little bit safer if I had been there and if I had come in and hugged her after the abuse. If I had been sitting by her bed when she was falling asleep. I hope that Mom managed to have a good night. And I hope that the work I did by going home will make a difference. Here are some notes from the day:

* It was a beautiful day. After a horrible spring and beginning of the summer this was the first real summer day. It was sunny and no wind. It was the first warm day. A tiny bit cold in the air, but the sun kept it warm and it was no wind.

* 2:40pm, I arrive to Levinsgården.

* Mom is in bed in a dark room, even though it is a gorgeous day.

* Mom is happy to see me. She hugs me.

* I ask Mom why she is in bed on a dark room. She doesn’t know.

* I ask Mom if she wants to get up. The answer is yes! There is no doubt. She pulls the blanket off and she tries to get out of bed herself.

* I tell Mom that it is beautiful weather outside and I ask her off she wants to take a walk. She is excited about this.

* I tell the staff that Mom wants to get up. They are not very enthusiastic about this, but there are other people around so they promise to come and help Mom out of bed.

* It takes a while, but eventually they show up.

* Mom is terrified when she sees Sven. She is really scared of him. I do have to leave though, since they don’t allow me to be with Mom.

* What follows is horrifying even from the outside of the room. Mom screams in terror. When I can go in to her a few minutes later she is in shock, just sitting in her chair not moving. Was this really necessary?

* Mom is happy to see me, but it takes a few minutes for her to get back. She is happy though to take a walk, so we leave fought away.

* 3pm, We leave Levinsgården. Mom opens the doors. She is happy when she gets outside.

* We decide to buy an ice cream, so we head down to Westbergs. It turns out that it is a few minutes after 3pm, so he is already closed. He is still inside. He unlocks the door and lets us in so we can buy an ice cream. Really nice.

* I let Mom pick her own ice cream. She chooses Daimstrut. I ask her to get me the same, which she does. Arnold has already closed the can register so we have to come back and pay tomorrow. Mom thank him when we are leaving.

* We sit across the street in the sun eating our ice creams. Mom is very happy. I eat my ice cream a little bit quicker than she, so then she wants to share the end with me. She is as generous as she always has been.

* When we are done eating Mom throws away the garbage in the bin.

* We take walk to the lake by the hotel. The lake is beautiful. Mom is really enjoying this. She has not been allowed to see the sun or be outside for a very long time. She is takes by the beauty of the lake and the mountains.

* We keep walking through the camping on our way back. Mom is very happy to see people and animals. When they greet us Mom greets back.

* When we walk back we meet Margoth Swanström outside Bilisten. Mom was not very enthusiastic to see her. I don’t know why. She was still very polite though.

* 4:45pm, We turn up towards Levinsgården. Mom gets sad and worried. I tell Mom that we don’t have much of an option right now. We have to go back to Levinsgården for dinner. It is very clear that Mom doesn’t want to. I tell Mom that I am working to let her get out of Levinsgården. She looks a bit hopeful. But I also tell her that there are people working hard to refuse her to get out of there. I tell Mom that Margareta (her daughter) and Dad are refusing her to get out of there. Mom looks devastated and she shakes her head. When I again tell her that we don’t have much of on option but to go back to Levinsgården she doesn’t look happy, but she doesn’t object.

* 4:50pm, We are back at Levinsgården. Mom opens the doors.

* I tell Mom that she can pull herself forward using the handrail if she wants. She does. Mom is awesome. She world’s really hard and she does really well. The abuse at Levinsgården has been devastating for her, but she hasn’t given up. She still wants to train to get better. She is amazing!

* On the way to Mom’s room we meet Märit in the corridor. She is very happy to see us. I tell her the midsummer greetings that Linda sent to her and Mom. Both Mom and Märit are happy about this. They want to send greetings back. I take a picture of them to send to Linda.

* 5pm, Dinner is not ready, so Mom and I go in to her room. Mom is not happy to go in to her room. She looks anxious and worried. I can’t blame her. We drink a glass of water and sit by the table. I tell Mom that I will leave to go to Gussvattnet to eat and work when she gets her dinner.

* 5:15pm, Dinner is still not ready. Mom and I go outside her room to take a look. The other residents are sitting by the table now, but there is no food on the table. Mom and I go back on to her room to wait until the food is ready.

* 5:20pm, Staff brings food into Mom’s room. I tell them that I will leave so it is better to let Mom eat with the others. Staff is not very interested to let Mom out of her room. It is also very clear that Mom wants me to stay. So I decide to stay and eat with her.

* Mom is happy that I am staying. She is eager to share her food with me. I tell her that I have put a can of white beans in her cupboard. I will heat this up and we can eat together.

* I do try a little of Mom’s food. Mom prepares the best piece for me and gives it to me. The food is completely disgusting. The potatoes is cold and so is the rest of the food. It doesn’t taste good or look good. I was still very grateful to Mom. She selected the best piece and she prepared it nicely with everything on before she gave it to me. That was the best she could do.

* 6pm, We finish dinner. Mom cleans up on her plate. She helps cleaning up the table.

* Mom helps with the dishes. I wash and she dries. She puts away the utensils nicely in the drawer and she hands me the plates and the glasses.

* When we are done I tell Mom again that I need to go to do some work. I tell her what I will do. She is grateful for this, but she is terrified when I am about to leave. I tell Mom that I will help her out in the TV-room so that she doesn’t have to be alone. There might be something to watch on the TV there will be someone that sees if she needs anything (I knew that was a lie, but it would still be a better chance that someone would care than if she would be locked in to her room alone).

* I helped Mom out to the TV room and placed her next to Boar. Boar is really nice. When I tried to leave and Mom was terrified he talked to Mom and tried to make her feel safe. Mom was completely terrified though, so I decided to stay a bit longer with her.

* Mom and I talked. She explained things very clearly even without words. I told her what I was hoping to do and how I am trying to help her get out of there. She was happy when I explained, but she was still terrified every time I was trying to leave. She knew what was waiting her. I can’t blame her for being terrified. I too knew what was waiting her.

* In any normal place I would have been able to stay with Mom and do my work there, making her feel safe and have the company she wanted. But in any normal place I wouldn’t need to do this work. What happens at Levinsgården should never be possible to happen.

* 7:20pm, I left Mom at Levinsgården. Mom was still terrified, but she did show understanding when I explained what I was going to do. Boar cared a lot and he tried to comfort her. It was still heartbreaking to hear Mom’s scream in horror when I left.

* When I left I thought that it was the best thing so I could get some work done. No solution would be good, but since I haven’t been able to do the work I need to help Mom out of Levinsgården I was hoping this would be the best option – or at least the least bad option. So I left praying that Mom would have a decent evening.

* After I got home I regret that I left her. I know that I couldn’t stop the abuse by being there. With the support from Britt-Marie Hallin at IVO Levinsgården will continue the abuse. My presence won’t stop them. I know that. Mom knows that. Levinsgården have proven this many times. I also know that I needed time to write this and other things to be able to help Mom. But I still regret that I left her. Even with the abuse that was awaiting her it might have been easier for her if I had stayed. And it might have been much easier for her if I had come in to sit by her bed after they were done. It would have made her feel safer even though I couldn’t stop the abuse. Now I hope that my writing and my work will help her in some way.

* Mom did have an amazing few hours when she was allowed out of her isolation cell. She was allowed to get out, get fresh air, see the sun, meet people, exercise by pulling herself, feel valuable by helping, care for others by showing her generosity, eat ice cream and have fun. This is never a popular thing at Levinsgården. I wonder what Mom will have to face after this. More restrictions? More isolation? More drugs? More abuse? What arguments will they use this time?

See also notes from Mother’s Day, when they were violent to her when she objected to their abuse. And also other notes from June.

Update from Calle – March 22nd

March 27, 2015

Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 07:27

Gussvattnet 247, 830 90 Gäddede, Sweden

Google Maps

0.0064, 0.0014 alt: 390m

Waxing Crescent



* 5:25pm, Mom is in the TV room watching TV. Boar and Göte are also there.

* Mom and I go in to Mom’s room.

* I have bought some food that we unpack. I haven’t had dinner.

* Mom and I make dinner. I am having Lasagna. Mom is having a toast and a glass of milk.

* We are doing the dishes together. Mom is drying and putting the dishes away. She is the best!

* We are both tired, but I ask Mom of she wants to see a movie. She does!

* After dinner and cleaning up we are watching a movie together. We are watching “Despicable Me”.

* Mom likes the movie (and so do I).

* 7:20pm, Staff comes in and wants to take Mom out for fika. Mom objects. I ask Mom if she wants to fika with me in the room. Mom wants that. The staff confirms that I am not allowed to have fika together with Mom in the dining room. Mom wants to have fika with me. The staff leaves. Mom is relieved.

* We watch another 10 min of the movie. Then I ask Mom if she wants to have fika. She does. We are pausing the movie to make fika.

* I tell Mom that I have a surprise for her. Mom is happy. She pats my cheek.

* I go to the car to pick up fresh home baked soft thin bread that Karin Andersson had baked in the afternoon and that I picked up on the way to Mom.

* We make fika. Mom helps.

* When I open the home baked fresh bread then Mom is really excited.

* Mom and I are eating the yummy bread with messmör and drinking hot chocolate.

* We keep watching the movie while we are having fika. Mom really likes the movie and she is laughing.

* Before we are done with the movie and fika the staff come in to put Mom to bed. Mom objects. Staff don’t care.

* They pull Mom away from the table. Mom clings to me for all that she is worth. She holds my hand as hard as she can ands she is terrified.

* Staff tell me too let go of Mom’s hand. I tell them that I am not holding her which they clearly can see.

* Staff uses the force she needs to break up Mom’s hand. Mom tries to grab me again, but she can’t. She is reaching after me and screaming while the staff pulls her away.

* Mom is terrified. I am being sent out of the room. I can hear Mom screaming out in the TV room.

* Staff don’t let Mom go to the toilet. They only changed diapers but don’t clean. It was an ugly smell of pee in Mom’s bed when I came back in. I’ll get back to this in a bit. Additionally, the time they were in Mom’s room would not have let her go to the bathroom doing her needs. Also, the bathroom chair was not used.

* While I was sent out Elliott and Mandi is calling me. We are talking when staff come out telling me Mom is done.

* I go in. Mom is happy to see me, but it is very clear that she is traumatized from what just happened. She is also smelling of pee. I tell Mom that I am talking to Elliott and Mandi. Mom is happy.

* Mom talks to Elliott and Mandi on the phone.

* She is happy to talk to them, but she is also scared and traumatized from what the staff did to her.

* Mom talks and she cries. Then she gives the phone back to me.

* I talk a little with Elliott and Mandi after this. Then we decide to be in touch later. We hang up.

* The pee smell is awful. I tell Mom. I investigate this a little. It comes from under the blanket. I ask Mom what to do.

* I know that the staff will not care, but she can’t lie in this smell. I also know that Mom is already traumatized from the staff’s treatment. But who can help cleaning Mom?

* I tell Mom that I will ask the staff for help. Mom is worried, but she is ok with this.

* I go to the office. I find 4 people from the staff in the office. I ask them for help and I tell them the issue. They are very rude.

* Staff do come with me to see Mom. They deny the smell of pee in Mom’s room!!! They are also extremely rude and they try to forbid me to investigate when I smell pee like this. (Well, Mom wanted me to and I think she decides. Furthermore, if she smells of pee then someone should find out why and then help her.). They staff were rude and crazy. They refused to help Mom.

* So what can I do then?

* I tell Mom that I am sorry, but that I can’t do much about it being alone and with that staff at Levinsgården. I would have needed some help. But who?

* Levinsgåden will deny the pee smell. If I try to help Mom they will accuse me for things and put Mom in worse trouble. There is no good solution as long as she is at Levinsgården.

* I stayed with Mom until she got calmer. We prayed evening prayers and I said goodnight, but I told her that I would stay and clean up. Then I did the dishes from our fika.

* When I was cleaning up and doing the dishes Mom seemed to feel good. She obviously felt good hearing me in the room. She fell asleep and slept while I was cleaning up.

* When I was done she woke up and was a bit worried. I told her that I would stay a little longer. Then she was calm again.

* I stayed with Mom for a while. She was sleeping. By 11pm I thought that I could leave.

* I kissed Mom goodnight. She looked at me and she didn’t object that I was leaving. She waved to me as I was leaving.

* I left Mom’s door open. I waited a bit in the corridor. Everything was calm. Then I left.


March 22, 2015, 13:51


Sunday, March 22, 2015 at 08:48

Gussvattnet 247, 830 90 Gäddede, Sweden

Google Maps

0.0064, 0.0014 alt: 390m

-4C Moderate snow, Humidity: 92%, Pressure: 1009.0 mbar, Wind: S at 18 km/h

Waxing Crescent



* 12:50pm, Dad is with Mom.

* Dad is preparing for the fika with Inger and Reidar, the Norwegian friends that will come at 2pm.

* Dad tells Mom hello from Gunbritt Örjebo. Mom is not interested.

* I told Mom that I had spoken to Elliott, which she knew from the night before. That got Mom’s attention. I tell Mom hello from Elliott. She is very happy and excited.

* I ask Dad if he has talked to Kjell Söder. He tells me that he did. I ask him what the result was. After him talking about other things I ask him again. He then says that Mom is not welcome to Östersund. I ask Dad if that is what Kjell said. Dad says that Kjell has set up requirements that Mom doesn’t fulfill. Additionally, Kjell has told him that he is fully booked for the next two years. Again I asked if that really was what Kjell told him. Then Dad started to come up with other reasons to refuse Mom too go to Östersund. Among other reasons he says that Mom’s friends don’t want her to go to Östersund. I objected to that: “What kind of friends would refuse a stroke victim care?”. Additionally, Mom has many friends around the world that support her to get care and to be treated better.

* I ask Dad if Mom’s own will matters to him. It is very clear what she wants.

* Dad lines up a number of lies including that Mom needs to be here for her social interactions. However, although he lives only 200 meters away he can’t even eat the meals with Mom. Then he is the one that has requested the staff to isolate Mom at the meals and to put her to bed in the middle of the day against her will and requests to lock her in even though Mom is screaming in panic and is scared to be locked in. Then in the next sentence he claims that Mom needs to be locked in to be protected from the other residents. What kind of social interaction is that?

* There are many lies and his logic does not work. But he keeps saying that Mom doesn’t fulfill Kjell’s requirements and that Kjell doesn’t have time to help Mom.

* I ask Dad if we should call Kjell. Dad refuses. Then I ask Dad if we can let Mom go to Östersund this week to see Kjell. Dad keeps saying that Mom does not fulfill the requirements. Then I tell Dad that we should call Kjell and just ask right away when we are all there (Dad, me and Mom most importantly). Dad doesn’t want me to call Kjell, but he refuses Mom to go to Östersund referring to Kjell.

* I tell Dad that I will call Kjell and we can ask him right away. Dad objects, but I still call Kjell.

* Kjell answers the phone. He has time to talk to us.

* We put on the speaker phone so we all can hear: me, Mom and Dad. We are all sitting by the table with Mom between us. I show Mom the phone so she can see that we are talking to Kjell.

* Kjell explains the requirements and the conditions. From his point there is nothing hindering Mom to come to Östersund for an initial interview and an evaluation of what they can do to help Mom. Mom is welcome.

* I ask if we can come down with Mom this week. Mom looks happy and hopeful. Mom is part of the discussion.

* Dad takes the phone to talk to Kjell. I tell Dad to keep the phone here so Mom and I can be part of this.

* Dad comes up with ridiculous accusations that I am talking above Mom’s head regarding these decisions among other things. Then he is using this to refuse Mom to go to Östersund for treatment.

* Mom gets very upset when she listens to Dad. She hits Dad twice and she is very upset with Dad.

* Dad is angry. He leaves in the middle of the call. He takes the fika with him and he makes sure that the Norwegian friends are not coming to see Mom.

* I ask Dad “Who is talking above Mom’s head?”. Dad doesn’t reply.

* I ask Dad if he doesn’t care about what Mom want. Dad doesn’t reply.

* Dad leaves.

* I keep talking to Kjell. Mom is not very unhappy that Dad left. She keeps listening to me and Kjell talking. Sometimes she loses focus and makes sounds, but she stops when tell her that I still talk on the phone. I keep the speaker on so Mom can near everything.

* Kjell confirms that he heard Dad’s arguing and how Mom objects. He is happy that he heard what Dad said and how he refuses Mom care. He finds that unpleasant.

* Mom and I spend the afternoon together. We take a walk to Forsgården, we make fika together, we talk a bit, we listen to music and Mom sleeps a bit in her chair.

* 5:10pm, Staff comes and take Mom out for dinner. Mom wakes up. She objects. Staff doesn’t care.

* Staff put Mom alone at a table. Mom sees me when I am leaving. She sits alone at her table reaching after me.


March 22, 2015, 13:51

Cecilia Ericzon’s attempt to seek justice through the Swedish Courts

February 4, 2015

Cecilia Ericzon is a Swedish citizen and friend to Calle Johansson and Ida Johansson. The following is an account of her attempt to seek justice through the Swedish courts.

Cecilia took the case to the highest authority within medicine and care in Sweden; Socialstyrelsen.

She wrote a report of experience at the Levinsgaarden nursing home to Socialstyrelsen. ( Nowadays it is called IVO.)

She also called them several times and gave them new reports.

After some months the Socialstyreslen finally inspected Levinsgaarden. Their investigation confirmed that Levinsgaarden had done wrong in several ways. They made several demands of how Levinsgaarden would have to rectify their unethical and illegal practices. However, Levinsgaarden did not implement those changes.

When Cecilia reported again to them that Levinsgaarden was persisting in their crimes, the Socialstyrelsen became very passive. Their response was simply that Levinsgaarden MUST obey and make the changes, but they made no follow up to monitor whether or not the changes were actually being made.

Cecilia also reported the staff and Anders Andersson to JO (Justitieombudsmannen), the law entity to whom you can report the malpractice of authorities who aren’t following the law. JO turned the case down making reference to the fact that Socialstyrelsen was already involved and that should be enough.

Cecilia wrote to different ministers within the government, but they answered that as ministers, it’s against the Swedish law for them to interfere but wished the cause good luck .

The Swedish Legal government  – how is it organized?

  1. Tingsrätt

  2. Hovrätt

  3. Högsta domstolen

Most cases are solved at Tingsrätten.

If you are not satisfied with their judgement you can take it to Hovrätten if they give you permission for a new trial .

If you disagree with their judgements and you get permission you can take the case to Högsta domstolen .

There is no jury in the Swedish court system .

They have the judge, lawyers and nämndemän (jurors) but not an actual jury . Nämndemän are people with different types of education that are been chosen to be a person with high integrity at trials. Since they attend at several cases they get a lot of experience. They listen and the judge can discuss the case with them but it is the judge who decides .

In the case of Ida’s God man, there was no permission to take it further than Tingsrätten .

Letter from Lorenz Ilg

October 16, 2014


To whom it may concern:

My name is Lorenz Ilg and I have a personal background as a lawyer/barrister as well as judge here in Switzerland.

I’ve been to Gäddedde last time from 2nd until 5th of october 2014 and visited Ida Johansson 3 times: 3rd, 4th and 5th of october. I’ve previously been visiting 17th to 21st of october 2012 as well as from 27th until 30th of december 2012. .I’ve known Calle Johansson since 1990 and have had the privilege of working with him closely many times and in many different situations over the past 24 years. I first met Ida and Gösta in Herräng, Sweden 20 years ago s ago, so I can say that I’ve known the family for some time now!

My own father also suffered several strokes and lives in a home since august 2013. So I have both the knowledge and experience to compare to.

Today I am reporting to you about this case of Ida Joansson with severe neglecting of care, even refusal of care as follows:

  1. When getting her ready for going out for a promenade on the 4th of october 2014, we realised when changing her socks, that her feet were not washed for a long time, she had open, sore skin as well as fungus on almost all her toenails. It is obvious, that the facility she is staying at is not looking after her, not even basic needs of hygiene are fullfilled!

  2. It is obvious to see that her teeth are not well taken care of. Therefore she has a hard time eating independently since she has a lot of pain. It is very clear that the facility Ida is staying at is not providing the absolute necessary care, instead let her health get worse and worse!

  3. When visiting her in the afternoon around 17 o’clock on the 4th of october she was still or again in bed, without any stimulation. The same happened on the mornign on the 5th of october, when we tried to visit her around 11 o’clock: she was still in bed! Obviously the schedule issued for her rehabilitation is not followed through at all! We could never witness any kind of therapy in this direction – not the least sign of it, and neither now nor in 2012! How can a stroke patient not get any kind of rehabilitation or therapy, not even the least kind of activity?!!! Honestly, it is hard to believe that this is even possible in a developped country like Sweden!!! My father got daily therapy from the very beginning after his stroke – and still gets it daily!

  4. When visiting on the evening of the 3rd of october 2014 she hasn’t even had dinner yet, but got her night-fika at the same time. So she got neglected feeding her, or feeding her at the same time! It seems that the facility is not providing her any kind of regularity in her day, neither for a daily routine in general nor when it comes to eating/feeding! How can this be possible in a developped country like Sweden!

  5. It was very obvious that Ida Johansson gets sedated by strong medication. Through a coincidence we found a paper in the bin which showed that they took out 100 tablets of 5mg each of Imovane on the 5th of September! There are evidences that she gets even the generica of Zopiclone, which could sum up to an even higher dose of almost 7.5 mg of Imovane daily! Even worse we hear that she is getting this since 2012! It is internationally notorious that Imovane is totally contraindicated for stroke patients (see p.ex., page 4) and should only be taken for a short period, recommended only for 2 – 4 weeks.

  6. Every time we visited Ida Johansson at our last visit 3rd, 4th and 5th of october it took over 10 minutes until some care staff of the facility appeared after Ida called for help to get ready to even recieve visitors in her room!

  7. It is remarkable, that the remiss of the first doctor of Ida Johansson to treat her at Remonthagen got taken back after very short time. Was it because of economical reasons or under pressure of some family members? How comes that the medical diagnosis of a doctor does not win over some particulary intrests of either family members or economical intrests (like p.ex. not giving an older stroke patient the treatment they need and they’ve paid for during her lifetime)?

  8. While I know Göste Johansson and have had good interactions with him prior to Ida’s stroke it seems quite clear that he is not up to the job of being a Good Man for Ida and has endangered his wife by not properly overseeing her course of treatment or standing up for what I have witnessed to be her improper treatment and care. I understand that a police report has been filed agains Gosta as well. Based upon my knowledge of the current situation I think it is in the best interest of Ida that a new Good Man is found who is capable of looking out for the best interest of Ida.

  9. I also understand that Anders Andersson, Chairman of the Östersund kommun, has been involved in the process of nominating Gosta as the good man, even being present in person. This seems completely inappropriate and borders on corruption. I’m deeply concerned that not only is Ida Johanson being mistreated but that the Swedish health care system and criminal justice system is not handling this case in a proper fashion.

I also strongly question the management of the facility Levinsgarden.

I’d strongly encourage you to act quickly to correct this situation and to hold those accountable for Ida’s poor level of care and what I have seen to be her ongoing mistreatment.

Best regards

Lorenz Ilg

Maeve Hunter’s journal of the abuse she witnessed while living in Gaddede for 2 months

October 2, 2014