
Additional Facts & Details

September 9th, 2019

Today, September 9th, 2019 is my Mother’s birthday.

My Mother lost her life two years ago due to the abuse she was facing. But I want you all to know how grateful I am to all friends around the world who have shown love, compassion and humanity during the years when she was still alive. I am very grateful to all of you who were part of the Mission to help my Mother and to all of you who had integrity enough to not change your standpoint when some people tried to put doubt in your mind and making it uncomfortable for you to stand up against elder abuse. I am also very grateful to all of you who had civil courage enough to report the abuse, speak up about it and help creating a world where abuse is not accepted. Nothing can be more honorable and there is nothing that is more valuable for the world today. I am proud of having friends like you.

I know that it was uncomfortable for many of you to stand up against the abusers. It has been uncomfortable for me too. But it is not hard for anyone with an honest heart to see who they are. Those who in some way are involved in the abuse will of course deny that abuse occur instead of reporting it. They will discredit people reporting abuse to save themselves. And they will try to discredit posts like this one. As in this case at Levinsgården in Gäddede they proved all this by discrediting people who stood up against elder abuse instead of honoring them, by setting up visiting restrictions to prohibit insight instead of inviting people, by diminishing all the work that was being done instead of being involved against abuse themselves. However, to deny that the abuse of my Mother didn’t happen is nothing to be proud of. And to discredit any part of this Mission says a lot about those people.

When me and my Mother were being discredited and facing made-up accusations spread out in the village (a method often used in order to redirect attention and make someone look untrustworthy as part of denying abuse) a friend who visited my Mother brought it back to the facts with five simple words: “I have seen this too”. These five words made a huge difference for me and my Mother. Instead of looking the other way and by that supporting abuse you can also make a huge difference for someone with these very powerful five words: “I have seen this too”.

I am thankful to everyone who visited my Mother and who treated her like a human. I am thankful to everyone who had a heart big enough to care for her, show her love and defend her when she couldn’t defend herself. And I am thankful to everyone around the world who supported this Mission in words and in actions. You did more than I can mention here. You have all made a huge difference.

Today is my Mother’s birthday. My Mother was a person who was always there for others in need. But when she was in need herself, then no one that she had helped was there for her. Instead many of you were there for her. Friends like you make a difference in the world, just like my Mother did. I would like to ask you to make this day a special day. A day of love, compassion, integrity and civil courage, which summarizes this whole Mission. A day where we stand up against abuse and where we defend those who can’t defend themselves and let them feel that they are human. And if it feels difficult, just remember that the discomfort that you may feel standing up for someone is nothing compared to the suffering of that person being abused, not being able to escape her abusers. Sometimes just five simple and powerful words can make a huge difference, “I have seen this too”.

So, let’s make this a day when we celebrate my Mother and what she stood for. She was a person who found a reason to help others in need instead of putting herself first. If we want to make a difference in the world, then we can all learn from my Mother, because there is a big difference between those who find reasons to help others and those who search for reasons not to help.

Happy Birthday Mom!!!!

You are the best!


October 12th, 2017

Dear friends,

We have the sad news to tell you that Ida Johansson passed away today.

Unfortunately, she died before her son, Calle Johansson, succeeded with his mission.

R.I.P dear Ida

Person med tydliga stroke-symptom vägras vård av vårdgivare

April 28, 2016

(An English translation follows the Swedish text.)

Ida Johansson, 220909-8744, blev under måndagen den 25 april 2016 mycket dålig och fick primära stroke-symptom. Boenden på Levinsgården reagerade på att något inträffat med Ida. Trots det kallar inte personalen på Levinsgården på ambulans även fast de ser att hon blivit dålig och vet att sådana symptom kräver akut agerande och att det gäller liv och död. Det är oerhört viktigt att den drabbade får vård så fort som möjligt.

När jag anländer senare på kvällen ser jag också samma sak, hennes ansikte är helt förändrat. Höger kind hänger ner liksom höger mungipa. Tungan har dragit ihop sig som en boll och hon har svårt att kontrollera den. Ljuden som kommer ut ur hennes mun är bara sludder. Även vänster hand har påverkats vilket hon visar. Det är blod på ansikte, kudde och i näsan.

Att något allvarligt har hänt är utom alla tvivel. Personalen ringer trots det inte efter ambulans.

Jag ringer själv 112. Ambulans skickas till Ida. Symptomen är lika glasklara när ambulansen anländer. Ida är mycket illa däran. Trots det akuta läget och de tydliga symptomen vägrar ambulansen, efter att ha pratat med personalen på Levinsgården, att ta Ida till sjukhus. Ida tvingas tillbringa natten utan vård på Levinsgården.

På tisdag morgon är Ida i mycket dåligt skick. Distriktsläkare Håkan Jonsson och enhetschef Barbro Blom besöker Ida. De vägrar låta Ida få vård. Håkan Jonsson säger tydligt att han inte tänker låta Ida få åka till sjukhus.

Symptomen är tydliga. Jag har tagit bilder i ett email som jag visar för Håkan. Håkan fortsätter att vägra Ida vård och påstår att inga förändringar har skett trots att både boende på Levinsgården och jag har sett stora förändringar, samt att jag har visat bilder med tydliga bevis på förändring. Efter uppvisande av bildbevis kräver läkaren Håkan Jonsson att jag genast lämnar hans arbetsrum. Han påstår att mitt uppförande inte är acceptabelt och att han inte vill ha ytterligare kontakt med mig.


Videoklipp innan och efter det inträffade:



Bilder från tidpunkten när ambulanspersonalen vägrade ta Ida till sjukhus:



Ida Johansson, 220909-8744, was on Monday, April 25, 2016 very poor and had primary stroke symptoms. Accommodation on the farm Levin responded that something happened with Ida. Although it does not call the staff at the Levin farm ambulance even though they see that she was poor and know that such symptoms require emergency action and to regard life and death. It is extremely important that the victims receive care as quickly as possible.

When I arrive later in the evening, I also see the same thing, her face is completely changed. Right cheek hanging down like the right corner of her mouth. Tongue has pulled together like a ball and she has trouble controlling it. The sounds that come out of her mouth are just incoherence. While the left hand was affected as she shows. There is blood on the face, pillow and in the nose.

That something serious has happened is beyond question. The staff call even though it is not an ambulance.

I call yourself 112 ambulance sent to Ida. The symptoms are as crystal clear when the ambulance arrives. Ida is a very bad way. Despite the urgent situation and the obvious symptoms refuse the ambulance, after talking with the staff at the Levin farm, to take Ida to hospital. Ida forced to spend the night without a care in the Levin farm.

On Tuesday morning, Ida is in very poor condition. District Medical Officer Håkan Jonsson and Head Barbro Blom visiting Ida. They refuse to let Ida care. Håkan Jonsson says clearly that he does not intend to let Ida get to go to hospital.

The symptoms are clear. I have taken photos in an email that I show Håkan. Hakan continues to refuse Ida care and states that no changes have taken place despite the fact that both residents of Levin farm and I have seen great changes, and that I have shown pictures with clear evidence of change. After the presentation of photographic evidence requires the doctor Hakan Jonsson I immediately leave his office. He claims that my behavior is not acceptable and that he did not want further contact with me.


Video clips before and after the incident:



Photos from the time the paramedics refused to take Ida to the hospital:

Ida was refused stroke rehabilitation

December 8, 2015

Ida Johansson, 93, suffered a stroke in the summer of 2012. Since then, she lives in a retirement home called Levingsgården in Gäddede, in the municipality of Strömsund in northern Jämtland. Her son Calle Johansson fights to get the right care and rehabilitation for her..

Ida lost the ability to speak and was paralyzed on her right side at the stroke in June 2012. Her mental capacity, however, is intact and she can make herself well understood. In the acute stage, she received good care at the hospital in Östersund, with both physical therapy and occupational therapy once or twice a day, starting after one day as she lay on the stroke emergency room. She was very willing to training, says Calle.

Ida was supposed to receive care at Remonthagen rehabilitation center in Östersund. But her daughter and husband stopped the referral a local physician in Gäddede had written. He agreed to send Ida to Levinsgården , a place that she had expressly asked to never move to.

There are plenty of shortcomings in the care at Levinsgården. Calle has continually pointed out that Ida and other residents are abused both mentally and physically by the staff. Both staff and relatives call him “a work ambience problem”. He has been harassed and threatened on several occasions and received a restraining order. Levinsgården claims to have a stroke rehabilitation program, but what is in the document does not take place.

– My mother is struggling, but she feels terribly bad about the situation. The staff has possibly gotten better at hiding what is going on Levin farm. However, abuse and neglect continues as before, says Calle on the situation.

Many visitors can testify how bad the situation is at the retirement home. Here are some examples:

– Ida is forced to lie in bed most of the time, against her will. Other residents are frequently confined to their rooms, encouraged to rest all day

They do not have access to some activity or other stimulation. The rooms are soundproofed and occasionally locked. Excessive resting generally has adverse health effects and is adverse for the treatment of stroke patients. – Ida is frequently isolated in darkness, which can bring on depression.

– Ida may not go to the bathroom when she wants and often forced to make defecate in bed, and sometimes lies in her own excrement for hours.

– Ida gets large doses of the sleeping pill Imovane, often making her clumsy and confused.

– Ida’s health has deteriorated during her stay at Levinsgården; She has untreated lung-, skin- and toenail infections.

– Oral hygiene is poor. Ida has lost several teeth and has difficulty eating because she has so much pain in the mouth. This can cause infections that can be fatal for her age.

– A large part of the staff shows no respect toward Ida and the other residents. They talk over their heads, lifting and moving them without warning or explanation what they do.

– Ida is treated by the staff and some of her relatives as if she has no mental capacity at all, even though she can clearly demonstrate her approval and disapproval.

Calle has made a number of attempts to lift the problems with Strömsund municipality but they have been fruitless. Several complaints have also been made to the Inspectorate for Health Care, IVO, but apart from an injunction to fix Ida’s teeth there has been no results .

– Friends of mom and me who have visited Levin have begun to contact politicians, international media and international human rights organizations to try to improve the situation. The local media has sadly not wanted to cover this, says Calle.

Maria Holm

Freelance journalist

Journaliststudenter grankar Frostviken

November 13, 2015

Skickar här en länk som kanske har ett visst intresse.

Vi har tidigare höjt Gäddede och det lokala engagemanget till skyarna. I dag fick vi se en annan sida. En mörk sida.

Marita Orrmalm Hansson är undersköterska. Hon har tidigare arbetat på Närvården i Gäddede, men allergiproblem tvingade henne att säga upp sig. När hon sedan ville tillbaka var hon inte välkommen. Trots att Närvården var i stora behov av undersköterskor – och Marita, med 17 års erfarenhet, var mer än kvalificerad för arbetet. Vi pratar om Maritas kamp efter svaret på varför hon inte blev anställd – som gjorde henne utfryst, mobbad och till slut tvingade henne att lämna bygden.

Här hittar ni hela artikeln, med tillhörande ljudinslag.

Med vänlig hälsning


June 16th Update (Swedish)

June 16, 2015

Här är några exempel från Levinsgården:

  • Förlamad efter en Stroke ges en dam Lactulose, vilket är gasbildande. Damen vrider sig så mycket hon kan i fruktasvärda plågor. Men hon ligger på ryggen och kan inte få ut gaserna. Magen sväller upp. Hon gråter och skriker av smärta. Hon stängs in liggande på ryggen i grymma plågor hela natten. Hon kan inte röra sig eller få ut gaserna. Hon gråter och skriker instängd på rummet. Svetten rinner i pannan av de svåra smärtorna. Men hon är instängd hela natten. Varje minut måste ha varit en evighet av plågor. Damen i fråga var 89 år. Förutom de grymma obeskrivliga plågorna under timmar som var evigheter utsattes hon för stor livsfara då gaser hos äldre personer kan ge hjärtstillestånd.

  • Förlamad och med svälgproblem efter en Stroke där hon förvägrats vård placeras en 90-årig dam den 3 november på rygg efter att hon har blivit kräksjuk. Hon låses in ensam på rummet liggande på rygg. Hon vet att hon inte kan vrida sig om hon skulle behöva kräkas. Hon vet att ingen kan höra hennes rop på hjälp där hon ligger inlåst bakom en ljudisolerad dörr. Hon vet att hon ofta sätter i halsen eftersom hennes svaljfunktion har blivit försämrad av Stroken. Hon vet att hon kommer att behöva kräkas – men hon vet inte när. Det enda hon vet är att när hon behöver kräkas kommer hon nog att kvävas i hennes egna spyor. Hon kräks under natten. Hon har spyor över ansikte, hals, hår och på kudde. Hon överlever, men hon får ligga i sina spyor under natten. Hon är svårt traumatisera av det hon utsatts för. Men hon överlevde…

  • Förlamad efter en Stroke och med svårigheter att själv borsta sina tänder vägrar personalen att hjälp en 89-årig dam med sina tänder. Hon har fruktansvärd andedräkt på dagarna och hennes obehag i munnen är tydliga. Redan inom en månad börjar hon få fruktansvärd tandvärk. Men hon är förlamad. Hon kan inte ta sig någonstans själv. Hon gråter i smärta, men personalen vägrar att ta henne till tandläkare. Hon har sådana fruktansvärda plågor att hon inte vet var hon ska ta vägen. Men hon är förlamad och hon kan inte ta sig någonstans. Hon kan bara sitta i sin rullstol med dessa grymma plågor som skulle göra vem som helst galen. Hon gråter av obeskrivlig smärta. Efter ytterligare ett par månader börjar hennes tänder lossna och hon har inflammation i tandköttet. Hon har mycket svårt att äta och skriker ibland av plåga när hon försöker tugga något. Då tar personalen henne bort från matbordet och låser in henne på rummet bakom en ljudisolerad dörr där hon ensam sitter i rullstolen och skriker och gråter i obeskrivliga plågor från hennes håliga lösa tänder och inflammationer i tandköttet. Om hon inte äter eller om hon gråter eller skriker av smärta bestraffas hon med isolering – ofta i mörkt rum – tills hon har blivit ”snäll”.

Och hur kommer det sig att de äldre kan bli utsatta för hot om att plågorna ska upprepas utan anledning eller att de ska sättas i isolering ifall de inte kan utföra något som inte står i deras makt?

Current Stroke Rehab Project – Reacting AB

March 2, 2015

Kjell-Erik Söder, CEO of the Reacting AB rehabilitation clinic in Östersund, sent some results from the current Stroke rehab project that he is leading.

Click here to download the Swedish document: RASmöte 16 febr 2015 (1)

Here is the English translation:

Cover page:

The brain will be stimulated. . . . .

Fit for purpose . . . . . . . . . .

Page 2:

Results / Tester in motivation and evaluation purposes / RAS project 2014-2015

TUG : Functional gait / leg strength and mobility / get up from the chair – go 3 m in front and re – seating . 10 m: Walking speed 6 min: Walking Ability – number of meters for 6 min / endurance

Romberg ( balance) : Postural balance ability

Reaction: Reaction Ability Audio (R1) , alto ltr light ( R2) , audio -va light – hay light ( R3) Strength: 1.Hand , left el hay, 2nd Leg hay + LEFT

Blood pressure : sitting at rest.


                   Grp 1 ( 8)      Grp 2 ( 9)

TUG                 + 33 %          + 35% 

10m                 + 16 %          + 23% 

6 min              + 34%           + 37% 

Romberg       +85.4 %        + 66% 

The reaction          

R1                  +18.9 %         + 15.2 % 

R2                  +19.6 %         + 13.8 % 

R3                  + 26%           + 19% 

Bone Strength       + 22%           + 15% 

Hand strength       +15.3 %         + 12 % 

Blood pressure      equal           lower

Statements by participants: Have learned more under 3.5 weeks than 6 years in healthcare Not using a cane when I walk longer Easier to get up from the floor Not as tired as before, better balance , neighbors have seen a difference in my development have used the left arm much better

Great staff and nice rest rooms It makes me happy to come here

Page 3:

* ” Reduced intake of medications ( pain) * Better sleep and ability to detente

* Increased flexibility and strength , improved stamina and balance

* Less pain and feel in better overall shape

* Dryers keep focused much longer

* Can recommend the project to other

* Got ideas for your own leisure activities

* Increased knowledge of the knob and body

* Received the increased knowledge of planning and training

* I feel more motivated to continue training and exercise

* Can now on group training at Reacting

* In the exercise group received new and pleasant companions – greater cohesion

* Nice rooms and knowledgeable instructors

* Good and stimulating to work out together with other healthy people “


Last Page:

Rubber boots filled with water to land on the “right”

Bridget has promised to reactivate me after bone fractures. . . .

Your step so . . . . . .Can it go . . . .


                       Thank you!

Guidance from United HealthCare on eszopiclone

March 2, 2015


The document (Excel) was sent to Dr. Daniel Fierer, by United Hea There is a clear entry for not using this drug for longer than 90 days. Zopiclone itself is the “parent” drug of eszopliclone and is not available in the United States so there are not American documents on that drug, but they are similar and if anything, eszopiclone would be a safer drug than the zopiclone that Ida is being perpetually given.

You may download the entire document here: PATH_High Risk Medication Crosswalk

You’ll find the specific item on the 2nd tab of the Excel document. Here is a cut and paste of the key details:

Therapeutic Category:

Nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics



Included when cumulative

day supply is >90 days.


• Zolpidem

• Zaleplon

Medication Risk:

Benzodiazepine-receptor agonists

that have adverse events similar to

those of benzodiazepines in older

adults (e.g., delirium, falls, fractures);

minimal improvement in sleep latency

and duration.


Insomnia, recommend:

• Low-dose trazodone

• Ramelteon (Rozerem)

Formulary Notes:

Trazodone is covered across

all UnitedHealthcare Medicare

formularies. Please refer to specific

formulary for coverage/copay details

for Rozerem.

As further example that this isn’t just a few doctors that Calle

has talked to, the Australian gov’t (amongst others) also agrees

that Zopiclone/imovane should not be given to stroke patients:$File/swcimova.pdf

And furthermore, as Calle notes, not to the elderly and certainly not for that long.


Update from Calle Johansson – Feb 23

February 23, 2015

There has still not been any change:

She [Ida] is locked in, put in a dark room in isolation, refused to go to the bathroom, punished and put in isolation when she complains or cries about the mistreatment, refused to eat with others, being drugged to unresponsiveness (she is given Zopiclone 7.5mg EVERY evening), etc…

Ida drugged, unresponsive.

February 2nd, 2015

Mom had pooped in her pants. I don’t know how long she had been lying in this. They have changed her diapers now. It stinks in her room, but not in the bathroom. I don’t think they even took her out of the bed.

February 3rd, 2015

They have put Mom in bed in a dark room. 

They have put her to bed in a dark room, not taken her to the bathroom and they have drugged her.

February 4th, 2015

  • Mom was in bed in a dark room when we got there at 4pm.

  • She was alone in the dark screaming. No one came to see her from the staff. 

  • It was 5 of the staff in the office. Still no one cared enough to see why Mom was screaming. And they didn’t care about that they had put her in the dark in the middle of the day – who knows when. 

  • None of the other residents were anywhere. Do they not encourage any activities or social interactions here. Is this a prison?

 This is called torture in all other situations. For an old or injured it is far beyond this.

Later the same day.

They have put Mom in bed. 

She is screaming.

February 8th

Mom closed in in bed in dark room screaming so I could hear it in the corridor when I came. No one bothered to care about that. Insane! Mom is not allowed up for dinner.

February 9th

Mom is in bed in the dark. Horrible poop stunk in her room. I don’t know how anyone can survive in this stunk. They have the door closed instead of airing it out. Mom is closed in in this stunk. Horrible! No smell in the bathroom though. She was forced to do in her pants again most likely in bed.

February 10th

Mom in bed in the dark drugged with the door closed when I got here before 7:40pm.

She was happy to see me, but she is VERY drugged. 

Kjell Söder called. Mom wanted to talk to him, but she couldn’t. She was too drugged. Really insane again tonight. 

Kjell wants to help. 

We need to get Mom out of Levinsgården ASAP. Can you help?

February 11th

Mom drugged and put to bed in a dark room before I got here. Who knows when…

Door to her room was closed.

February 14th

Mom was already drugged when I got here.

February 18th

Mom in isolation cell. They had put her in bed in a dark room and closed her in. This was before 7pm. I don’t know if she has even been up this evening. She was already in pajamas when I got here and she is completely gone, drugged.  She makes sounds but she doesn’t respond to anything.

An hour later.

They made Mom’s room completely dark and put her in bed and drugged her. Then they closed the soundproof door so they couldn’t hear Mom’s sounds and struggle to breathe. 

Sick people. So sick!

Another hour later.

No fika for Mom tonight. 

She is still so drugged that she doesn’t react to anything. She is very anxious when they drug her. She is moving, making sounds and screaming. But she is so drugged that she can’t react to anything that she sees or hears. 

It is horrible to watch this.

Another hour later.

Still completely unresponsive.

February 20th

Mom is in bed in a dark room completely drugged. She looks at me but she is completely unresponsive. 


She is lying making sounds and they have put on music and closed her in. 

The others are having fika. 


Music has been on since 6:40pm.

She was put to bed before then. 


Yesterday she was not allowed up for lunch. 


February 21st

Mom has very much pain in her stomach. She is refused to go to the bathroom. She hasn’t pooped for 7 days. Feb 14th was last time. Mom is in great agony and she is suffering. I called Dad. He refuses to help her. He hung up. 

What can I do?

This is all very much in line with how the year started. January 1st:

Staff claims Mom didn’t need to go to the bathroom. Mom’s room stinks of pee when we come in. Dad confirms. However, he doesn’t care about that the staff lied and that they refused her to go to the bathroom. He will not take any action.

Also from Ida’s son, Calle Johansson:

Zopiclone (Imovane)

Mom has been given at least 7.5mg Zopiclone every day since at least September 16th, 2014, see record below.

We know that they have giving Mom sleeping pills and possibly other drugs (Sobril, Stesolid, Citalopram) without putting this in Mom’s records. Cecilia has also witnessed this. There has also been indications that they have given Mom more than 7.5mg. So it is possible that she has been given more and it is known that she has been given Zopiclone (Imovane) when they have denied it and not put it in her records. But, we do have this record:

Zopiclone (Imovane) was first given to Mom in the fall of 2012 soon after her Stroke. It was confirmed by the staff initially then denied until summer 2014 when I confronted them with proofs and other statements from the staff. We do have this from May 2013:

Mom did NOT have any trouble sleeping. I spent every night with her in Östersund the first week after her Stroke. I also spent several nights initially at Levinsgården. Mom did not have any trouble sleeping. However, she woke up around 5am as she always did also before her Stroke needing to go to the bathroom. Levinsgården refused Mom to go to the bathroom, which made Mom cry and make noise and have panic until she couldn’t hold it in anymore having to pee in bed. After she done that she was completely devastated and could stare in the ceiling for a couple of hours. No trouble sleeping, but she did make noise and she did try to get out of bed when she needed to go to the bathroom, which was very normal for her even before her Stroke.

The justification from the doctor and the nurses and Dad is that Mom cannot sleep without sleeping pills. They all did know very well that Mom needed to go to the bathroom in the night, but they refused her to go and gave her sleeping pills claiming that she couldn’t sleep. Then they also use this against her in the days refusing her to get out of bed claiming that she was too tired to get up.

Invitation for Rehab from Reacting AB Rehabilitation Clinic

February 17, 2015

The following is translated from Swedish. The original invitation is attached here: Bäste Calle Johansson. In this letter, Kjell-Erik Söder, CEO of the Reacting AB rehabilitation clinic in Östersund clearly invites Ida Johansson to come to the clinic. Only Ida’s daughter and husband (see: Who Is Involved) are preventing her from going there to receive the care she deserves.

English Translation:

Dear Calle Johansson !

Hereby submit the response to your request for Reacting AB’s ability to limited time to meet your mother Ida, who is currently the last few years are at an aging accommodation in Gaddede , where she has a private room for residents and general supervision .

Has also been informed of some problems in communication and approach between You Calle and staff at the current accommodation.

As we understand , you have a desire to Ida would take part , and the opportunity during our leadership assist in attempts to reactivate her – inspire continued extra stimulation , and during the time at our facility but even after going home and then in a personalized manner.

Both national and international expertise in neurological problemhanteringar is part of our body when it comes to taking on different people’s future prospects in a possible path toward a reactivation and a better well-being.

Emphasize that we are not engaged in health care , but our efforts can be seen as healthy maintenance efforts where the latest advances in clinical work and research in neurological issues form the basis for our action, which is based on each individual’s potential and current status.

Reacting AB conducts some time a reactivation project as a non-profit organization , RAS, procured with us after receiving grants from the Swedish Inheritance Fund .

Applications to participate in this project as large accumulation at present to your inquiry Calle could not be addressed in this project in the foreseeable future .

Reacting AB has the possibility to receive Your mother Ida , under certain conditions that can easily be summarized as:

  1. Not being listed in medical care

  2. Not having extremely high blood pressure

  3. Not had unexplained seizures during the last three months

  4. Have relatives in all the current time at the facility.

  5. Be prepared to conduct reactivation work over two sessions per day

  6. Have accommodation option close to our activity rooms

Before a final acceptance of participation in a reactivation , we would first have the opportunity to:

  1. Personal meeting / interview with family members present

  2. Ida’s medication list at present and during the last two months

  3. Last prepared plan for going rehabilitation and showed progress

  4. Ability to share patient records which gradually prepared for Ida .

This answer may form the first link between us when it comes to a possible participation in our activities which would mean a time of strong involvement of family members’ side and a careful treatment of your mother Ida , where our staff with great commitment would make efforts that may be of positive value for both functions and wellbeing .

Currently, the undersigned not want to take up the costs that we at Reacting would like to have as a replacement for our engagement.


Kjell-Erik Söder, VD

Reacting AB

Körfältets Centrum

831 38 Östersund, Tel 063-18 12 00, 070-699 73 87

Original in Swedish:

Bäste Calle Johansson !

Får härmed lämna svar på Din förfrågan om Reacting AB:s möjlighet att under begränsad tid möta Din mamma Ida, som i nuläget sedan några år finns på ett åldringsboende i Gäddede, där hon har ett eget rum för boende och allmän tillsyn.

Har också informerats om vissa problem i kommunikationer och synsätt mellan Dig Calle och personal vid aktuellt boende.

Som vi förstått har Du en önskan att Ida skulle få ta del och möjlighet att under vårt ledarskap bistå i försök att reaktivera henne – ge impulser till fortsatt extra stimulering, dels under tid vid vår anläggning men även efter hemgång och då på ett individanpassat sätt.

Såväl nationell som internationell expertis i neurologiska problemhanteringar utgör en del av vår stomme då det gäller att ta sig an olika personers framtida möjligheter i en ev väg mot en reaktivering och ett bättre välbefinnande.

Poängterar att vi inte bedriver sjukvård utan våra insatser kan ses som friskvårdande insatser där senaste rönen i kliniskt arbete och forskning i neurologiska frågor utgör grund för våra insatser, som sker utifrån varje enskild persons potential och aktuell status.

Reacting AB bedriver sedan en tid tillbaka ett reaktiveringsprojekt som en ideell förening, RAS , upphandlat hos oss efter att ha erhållit bidrag från Allmänna Arvsfonden.

Anmälningar till deltagande i detta projekt har så stor anhopning i nuläget att Din förfrågan Calle inte kan beaktas inom detta projekt inom överskådlig tid.

Reacting AB har dock möjlighet att ta emot Din mamma Ida under vissa förutsättningar som enkelt kan sammanfattas som:

  1. Inte vara intagen i sjukvårdande behandling

  2. Inte ha extremt högt blodtryck

  3. Inte haft oförklarliga krampanfall under de senaste tre månaderna

  4. Ha anhörigstöd under all aktuell tid vid anläggningen.

  5. Vara beredd att bedriva reaktiveringsarbete under två pass per dag

  6. Ha boendemöjlighet i nära anslutning till våra aktivitetslokaler

Före ett definitivt accepterande om deltagande i en reaktivering vill vi först ha möjlighet till:

  1. Personligt möte/intervju med anhörig närvarande

  2. Idas medicinlista i nuläget och under de sista två månaderna

  3. Sist upprättad plan för tänkt rehabilitering och uppvisade framsteg

  4. Möjlighet att ta del av journalhandlingar som efterhand upprättats för Ida.

Detta svar får utgöra den första länken oss emellan då det gäller ett ev deltagande i vår verksamhet som skulle innebära en tid av starkt engagemang från anhörigas sida och ett omsorgsfullt bemötande av Din mor Ida där vår personal med stort engagemang skulle göra insatser som kan vara av positivt värde för såväl funktioner som för välbefinnande.

I nuläget vill undertecknad inte ta upp de kostnader som vi vid Reacting skulle vilja ha som ersättning för vårt engagemang.

Med vänliga hälsningar

Kjell-Erik Söder, VD

Reacting AB

Körfältets Centrum

831 38 Östersund, Tel 063-18 12 00, 070-699 73 87

Original Letter as attached here: Bäste Calle Johansson

About Ida – Before the Stroke

February 12, 2015

Ida Johansson was a vibrant Swedish senior citizen before her stroke. She was a very active, social person:

  • Ida took walks every single day. Often with Dad and when he didn’t want to go she went herself.

  • She always read books and she recommended the books she read to other people in the village.

  • She did crossword puzzles.

  • She always had a book and a crossword puzzle in her purse if she would have to sit and wait somewhere.

  • She always went to the library to look for new books to read.

  • She always went to church. She was a very devoted Christian and wanted to help everyone she could. She care strongly for everyone in trouble.

  • She played piano every day and she was singing every day – music was her biggest passion.

Ida’s son, Calle Johansson, comments: “I also wonder if it is clear how devastating a Stroke is and that no one in their right mind would refuse a Stroke victim the care that exists, which is what the Swedish Stroke Association said, and which should be very clear to everyone that would put themselves in the same situation. You would suffer as much if you are old as you would do if you are young from a Stroke. The Stroke Association, among others, even said that they have never heard of someone that would refuse a person the care that exists. Everyone does the opposite: They fight to get even more care – they want the best care for their loved ones.